The One with Instagramming

Thursday, June 7, 2012

I love that instagram is now on Android phones - I'm in the loop! I think my username is @paigetaylorevans in case you wanna follow me and be instafriends :)
So here's what I've been up to the past couple of days via instagram (ok, so some of these aren't technically from instagram, but they are from my phone!):

Our cat Rachel is the laziest, fattest cat on planet Earth. She sleeps 23 hours of the day and the other hour is spent eating (or pooping...). Once we got her spayed she let herself go completely. Oh to be a cat!

I was getting out of the car yesterday and closed the door without moving my leg = mega bruise. I have been SO clumsy lately! And I swear my hands have turned into butter cuz I drop EVERYTHING! I'm sure it's a pregnancy thing.

Speaking of pregnancy - I'm 33 weeks along - about 7 weeks to go! We went to the doctor yesterday and all is good - my placenta has moved up so I can deliver Jane "normally". I have an entire post written in my head that I need to get down "on paper" comparing pregnancies. I definitely haven't documented this pregnancy as well as Fox's. Although we have kept up with the weekly belly shot which I'm excited to share once she's born!

Speaking of Jane - I'm starting the last phase of her room: altering frames and making art for her wall! Full reveal to come hopefully within a couple weeks. And yes, this is the IKEA frame that is seen everywhere. What can I say, it's lovely?!

On the Fox front - he is starting to walk up and down stairs independently and free of support! We have to keep a careful eye on him when he does so because he still loses his balance occasionally. His latest activity is throwing balls down the stairs and laughing his head off.

And one more Fox note - he is starting to climb EVERYTHING, not just stairs! I went to get a drink of water and came back and found him in the bathroom sink. IN THE BATHROOM SINK! So scary. I have to keep my eyes glued to him at all times so he doesn't get hurt. 

I painted each of my nails a different color today. Why not?

I decided to ungroup all the girly pacifier clips I made and list them individually. 
While I was at it, I changed my banner:
I still have the 15% off deal going using the code BabyJane :)
That's it for now! Happy instagramming!


  1. I found Cole in my kitchen sink today! Yikes. I was less scared and more frustrated about my picture frame he was pouring water on though. ha

    Random question, who do you use to print your pictures here? I'm still paying a photo lab in SLC to mail my prints to me. Do you use someone local?

    Can't wait for baby Jane's nursery reveal!

  2. My gosh! That cat is adorable LOL My highlight is the same.. sleep/poop/eat.. not necessarily in that order LOL My newest little boy is a cuddle muffin. He want to be near you and cuddle up and rub his face all over you.

    that is a massive bruise on your leg! and not much longer on your pregnancy Yay!! I hated being pregnant LOL The frame is adorable! I can't believe he was in the sink LOL Man I love how kids are LOL They are too cute and fearless!

  3. How am I not following you on instagram yet?! That's insanity, as I am definitely your #1 fan.

  4. TOTALLY following you! :) Your cat cracks me up!! And those pacifier clips are AMAZING!!

  5. Our boy is a little mountain climber!

  6. seriously, instagram is addictive! what great shots! that bruise looks deadly!! and fox, how scary! that little guy is moving fast! all grown up!

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