The One with the Annual Evans Family Reunion Day 1

Saturday, August 11, 2012

I'm going to write these posts and publish them as if I were writing and publishing them at the end of the day they actually happened. FYI. If that makes sense. Moving on. 

This morning, Saturday August 11th 2012, Jane woke up to eat at 3:30am. My alarm was set to go off at 4am (and actually, I had set it for the wrong day, so it never would have gone off anyway). I woke up Chris, we got ready, finished packing everything, woke up the kiddos and got them ready, and were on the road at 5:30am bound for Salem, Oregon. 923 miles away = 15 hours. No biggie... haha. What the heck were we thinking going on a 900 mile road trip with a 2 week old?!?!?
Fox completed a 14 hour car ride back in April and he was really good so I wasn't too worried about him making this trip. And I've been told that infants sleep during long road trips so I wasn't worried about Jane either. Turns out Fox was good and Jane was bad. She doesn't like her carseat already... But everything worked out in the end.

The sunrise was beautiful. 
A few seconds later sunrays showed up. 
Jane was having a hard time and she was so schlumped over in her carseat, so I decided to move from the front to the back. We made our first pitstop in order to make the switch. 
Fox does a new thing. When I say, "Hey Fox! I'm going to take your picture!" he pulls out his pacifier. Those few seconds are so nice cuz he looks so cute without that piece of plastic in his mouth :)
We hung up Jane's quilt in the window to keep the sun out of her eyes. 
Jane wore a fox onesie as a cute tribute to her big brother.
We watched Toy Story 1, 2, and 3, Dumbo, Lady and the Tramp, and Toy Story a couple more times... Desperate times call for desperate measures!
Fox loves this cat and kept putting it on and behind his head like a pillow. 
At looooong last we arrived in Salem at Bethany and Peter's house. Peter is currently at boot camp, so he missed the reunion for the second year in a row - bummer! And Nick is on his mission in Mexico so he'll be gone another year.
Their house is so full of character and beautiful things!
Bethany arranged for us to sleep in the basement and had a pack'n'play set up for Fox, a bassinet, rocking chair, boppies, and everything we needed and more all ready and set up for us. Thanks so much for your hospitality Bethany! And sorry that Fox destroyed your house in .03 seconds flat...

It was about 8pm when we pulled up to the driveway. I showered and got ready for bed and unpacked some stuff. Fox didn't go to sleep until 11:30pm. Routines go out the window on vacation! I'm glad we made it safely and without incident to the reunion. Fun times ahead!


  1. Man, what a drive! I can't believe we actually made it. That last hour or so from Eugene to Salem was pretty miserable!

  2. OH MY! That is ONE LONG drive--but it sounds like everyone did fine:) I love the pics of Fox with his dinosaur!! And with the cat behind his head! OH MY! He is just tooooo cute:) LOOOVE the pic of Jane wearing a fox outfit--ADORABLE:)

  3. The pictures of Fox at the pitstop are my favorite EVER. I need a 3x5 foot canvas of it. He's so cute I can hardly stand it!

  4. Love that cat toy -- Evelynd was always trying to steal it.

  5. I love Fox's dinosaur toys, and the cat toy is pretty cute.


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