The One with Dald's 53rd Birthday

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

In my Father's Day 2012 post I mentioned that I am so much like my dad it's scary. I'd like to elaborate on that today, his 53rd birthday!
Dald has many hobbies including ham radio, carpentry, bicycling, reading, hiking, etc. 
I have many hobbies like scrapbooking, bookbinding, photography, blogging, etc. 

Dald falls asleep within two seconds after sitting down to watch a movie. Since he's ALWAYS on the go, the minute he sits down it's game over. 
Ditto. I must always be doing SOMETHING. And when I have nothing to do and sit down to relax, I fall asleep like *that*.

Dald doesn't really like schmoozing with people, although he's gotten much better at it over the years. 
I, too, have a hard time talking with people and just sitting around chatting - I'm a great listener, but I lack conversational skills. 

When he knows he has to wake up super early, he can't sleep. 
Neither can I. Case in point, we're in Oregon right now for the annual Evans family reunion and when I knew we wanted to wake up at 5am to get the road trip going, I never fell asleep. Granted I had a baby to feed every hour, but still. 

Dald is kinda (okay, a lot) impatient! (Sorry for ratting you out Dald :) But again, he's been working on it over the years and he's much better. 
I have such a short temper and I know where I got it from! But every day I'm trying to be a little better. 

Dald is punctual. When he says we're leaving at 8am, everyone is in the car and ready to go at 7:59am. 
Even if I try to be late, I seem to always be 5 minutes early! We're a punctual family I guess. 

Dald hates traffic and does everything in his power to avoid it, including riding his bike to and from work, rain or shine - and since he lives in Seattle, it's usually rain.
I hate traffic. So I just don't go anywhere :) It's a patience thing - I'd so much rather be doing something fun than wasting my time sitting in a car. 

Dald is a list maker and gets a lot of satisfaction crossing things off said lists as he accomplishes them. He even framed the list of things to repair/build/make/do at the old cabin they restored.
Crossing things of my lists, and I have many lists, is one of my favorite things to do!

Dald is responsible, a great example of how to live within your means, and frugal. 
By no means am I a great example of how to live within your means or frugal cuz I like to spend too much money on clothes and shoes and what not, but I do believe in being responsible with finances. 

Overall, I think my dad is a pretty awesome guy. He loves Superman and I really do think he is a super man! He is smart, interesting, funny, the best handyman I know, and my mom is such a lucky lady to have married him and I'm a lucky gal to have him as my dad. 

Love you Dald - happy birthday and wish I could be there to celebrate with you and everyone at Fat Burger!


  1. Happy birthday to your Dad!!! I hope he enjoyed his special day and celebrated BIG:) Psalm 118:24

    ps....I loved this post! It makes me wonder who I'm more mom or dad! THANKS for sharing:) HUGS!

  2. Happy birthday to your Dad!!! Great pic of the two of you!!!

    And scary thing is... I felt I was reading about myself!! LOL!!!

  3. How very sweet! Happy Birthday Paiges Dad :)

  4. What a sweet post. We missed you at Fat Burger tonight. Afterwards, we came home and had a car wash fest in the driveway. You might be glad you missed that part.

  5. A Very Happy Birthday to your Dad!!

  6. happy birthday uncle tom! cute post paige:)

  7. Aw! How sweet! Happy Birthday to your dad! And how fun that you came up with so many similarities. I need to do that with my dad. :-)

  8. Happy Birthday, Tom! You're a great F-i-L!


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