The One with My First .GIF

Thursday, August 23, 2012

I was sitting on the couch with Jane and my laptop and Fox came over and started pounding the keys... #boys #toddlers #2yearolds... So I did the only thing I could think of to distract him - I opened up Photobooth and started snapping away! Funny thing is, Fox was totally into it! He was posing and hamming it up, giving Joey x's and o's, showing off his Buzz Lightyear, and sucking on Jane's pacifier... I took 36 pictures in a row, but that's a little too many pictures to show in one post. So I made my very first .GIF! Lo and behold - Fox's shenanigans: 
That was fun. 


  1. This is so cute! How do you get pictures to move like that!?

  2. Fox is a little ham! :) waving hi from the hills of North Carolina :)

  3. Oh gosh he's cute. Love how he ran over to pet the dog :) Edward loves his dog too :)

  4. ADORABLE! What a goof! Ok.. how did you do that though? I swear sometimes it takes 10 minutes to scroll through my one post full of pictures! lol

  5. gosh..he is so cute and adorably silly!

  6. awww Fox is so cute and Joey looks so fuzzy, i wanna squeeze him :)

  7. Oh, that is SOOOOO cute! Love it! :-)

  8. He's so stinking cute! I sure hope I have cute kids one day! :)

    So can you give a girl a little help?! How did you create your collage of Fox? I'm having a hard time and can't seem to figure it out.

    Thanks girl!


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