The One with Insta-Lately

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Here's what we've been up to lately, according to my Instagram photos. (My username is paigetaylorevans if you wanna follow :) Each of these pictures could probably be turned into its own post, but I'ma just throw 'em all together and spit 'em out here - photo vomit!

August 28th 2012
I bought some Crayola crayons and apparently they work mighty well compared to the cheap dollar crayons that hardly show up even when pressing with all my might. Fox grabbed one and went to town on all the white fabric boxes that house his toys.
I'd like to think he was just paying homage to Harold and the Purple Crayon; he even used a purple crayon. Or he's getting an early start on his artistic mad skillz.
August 29th 2012
Once again they filmed a commercial at "the house with a red door". This time it was for Hartford Auto Insurance.
The tall black man in the gray suit was walking along the sidewalk saying his lines and had to do it over and over and over in front of the mega camera. Kinda sorta (completely and totally) reminds me of the Allstate Insurance guy...

August 30th 2012
I got Jane's newborn photos taken by Megan Papworth. She's the one who took our family photos last Christmas. We did a lot of fun things and had a few different outfit changes and I'm so excited to see the final edited pics!
Sneak peek!

August 30th 2012
Fox on the left. Jane on the right.
Not sure why I give my kids such a big headache? :) I love how lots of things are the same and other things are opposite. Both in the swing, both with an Aden & Anais swaddle blanket, he's wearing blue, she's wearing pink, opposite hands touching their foreheads. I just love these two.

August 31st 2012
1 day short of 5 weeks after Jane's birth I finally took both kids out to run an errand all by myself - to the post office.
I cannot believe how long it took to get everything ready to go! Without kids you just grab your purse and go, no questions asked, simple as that, piece of cake, done and done. With kids you have to take a million different trips. 1 trip with the double stroller, 1 trip with the carseat (it was inside cuz she had fallen asleep in it so rather than take her out and risk waking her up we just brought the entire thing inside), 1 trip with my purse and boxes to mail, 1 trip with Fox, 1 trip with Jane, 1 trip back inside to get something I inevitably forgot. I was a hot and sweaty mess by the time we were all in the car and ready to go! (We live on the 2nd floor so each trip involved walking up and down a flight of stairs). I'm sure I'll get the process down pat in due time, but I think it'll take another week or two for me to get the guts and courage to venture out by myself again with both kids in tow!

September 2nd 2012
"Strike a pose" and signing "I love you" at the same time! She's so talented :)

September 5th 2012
It's been a rough day today.
I'll spare you all the details cuz I could whine a lot, but I'll turn it into a positive and say it's been nice snuggling my two babies today.

The end.


  1. I think one of those boxes came to my house! Love the headache photos, so funny how similar they can be. I hope today gets better or tomorrow is better.

  2. I adore their headache photos! They are both so precious! What a fun page those photos will make!

  3. I adore the headache photos and the "i love you" sign one!!! And I think I should paint my door red... maybe they will come to me to shoot a commercial!! *wink*

  4. You are a wonderful, Mom. I know it's a ton of work, but our kiddos love you something fierce.

  5. I love following your Instagrams. Sorry you had a rough day but glad it's ending with snuggles.

  6. Love the pics of both kids in the swings...amazing how alike yet I'm sure very different they are.

    I think I see one of the boxes that came to my house in the stroller photo ;)

  7. thanks so much for sharing your little darlings, they make me smile :)

  8. aw, loving all of these photos. too cute! can't wait to see jane's pictures!!!!

  9. I just got my September Scrap Trends and totally love the Family of 3.5 - the background is amazing!!! Wendy

  10. ok, "photo vomit" is a new term for me, I about snorted all my drink out my nose when I read it! lol Great pictures, love seeing your life unfold. I bet it is super tough getting 2 young kids out and about all by yourself, I think Chris should give you some extra pampering for it!waving hi from the hills of North Carolina :)


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