The One with Jane's First Smile/Snuggles with Fox

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Jane has been smiling for about 4 days now and I haven't been able to catch a smirk on film despite desperate efforts with my camera practically glued in front of her face 24/7...
Until yesterday! 
Eeeeeeeps! It's so nice to finally get a reaction out of her. There isn't really one "thing" that gets her to smile. Random silly noises and sometimes tickling her chin or cheeks has done the trick a couple times but it's not consistent. I can't wait to get more and more of these cuz they make my heart go pitter-patter!

Fox was being pretty chill yesterday so I decided to set Jane beside him to see what would happen. One of the questions I get asked most frequently is "How is Fox handling the new baby?" So far he's pretty much ignored her. Once in a while he likes to point out all her features - Nose! Ears! Eyes! Mouth! Other than that, she's just something that takes my time away from him. It's getting better though and I'm sure they'll be the best of friends all in good time. These pics are all in black and white because I hate our red couch - it ruins all my photos and makes them un-scrappable (this color of red is like non-existent in the lines I'm working with). There was a time when I would buy EVERYTHING in red and we still haven't phased this couch out of that stage of my life. Anyway. Pardon my tangent. Back to the kiddos:
They coordinated telepathically - arms out!
Oh my goodness, notice how his hand is wrapped around her! I didn't even make him do that!
"Are we done yet Mom!?! Sheesh! I'm bored outta my mind! I wanna go play with my collection of Buzz toys!"
My fave of the bunch:
I love my babies!


  1. love those yellow pants... can I have them in my size?!

  2. She is just a DOLL!!!! And I love love love love the photos of them together!!

  3. Oh my goodness! That little grin is perfect!! She is darling and Fox looks like he'll be a great big brother in no time!

  4. Beautiful little smile! They look precious together!

  5. OH, Paige!!! Fox is such a good brother! I love these photos!! And Jane's smile is too precious:)

  6. Awesome post! I love these kiddos!

  7. They are just too cute! Jane's smile is beautiful!

  8. I think I just said the biggest "awwwww!" ever! they are sooo cute, that smile, I love that when that happens, it's what life is all about....My oldest was 2 when his sister came along, and every day he would ask me "when are we packing her suitcase and taking her back, she's not staying too long is she?" ha!! now that they are 13 and 15 he loves her...

  9. What little cuties!!! Can't wait to see them both and YOU next month!

  10. AGH my heart is so happy. And baby jane is smiling! Can't wait to see you three in October :)

  11. So sweet! I love that you caught a smile. :) And Fox looks so sweet with her!

  12. Great pictures, they made me giggle at their matching expressions, and I LOVED the one of Jane grinning! waving hi from the hills of North Carolina :)

  13. OMGGGG that smiling picture is the cutest thing on the planet.

  14. Oh my. Way too cute. As Jane gets older, she definitely looks more like Fox! Adorable! :-)


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