Jane is 7 months new today!
Length: 27" (75-90%)
Weight: 17 pounds 5.8 ounces (50-75%)
Jane is getting so big! It was such a sad day when I had to pack away all her 3-6 month clothes. Boxes of clothes means she really is growing up.

She's so big in fact, that once she runs out of diapers, we need to get her size 4 - that's the same size Fox is wearing! How is that possible? A 7 month old and 2.5 year old wearing the same size diapers? Must be because all of her yummy fat rolls.

This girl SNORTS when she laughs! Oh my goodness every time it happens (which is, like, all.the.time.) my heart goes aflutter from the cuteness overload.

Her default "smile" is to open her mouth as wide as she possibly can. So we see this face a lot.

She's so big in fact, that once she runs out of diapers, we need to get her size 4 - that's the same size Fox is wearing! How is that possible? A 7 month old and 2.5 year old wearing the same size diapers? Must be because all of her yummy fat rolls.
This girl SNORTS when she laughs! Oh my goodness every time it happens (which is, like, all.the.time.) my heart goes aflutter from the cuteness overload.
Her default "smile" is to open her mouth as wide as she possibly can. So we see this face a lot.
On the Fox and Jane front, Fox kind of sort of plays with her once in awhile. He does NOT like it when she takes toys from him though. Pretty soon I'll start getting her more girly toys (dolls, tiaras, crowns, all that jazz) and maybe that'll help separate his and hers. Fox will give Jane hugs and kisses on my demand though, which is simply precious.

Valentine's Day 2013.

Jane LOVES looking at herself in the mirror. I'd love looking at myself too if I were this cute!

As far as physical development, she sits up for about 10 minutes at a time but still falls over so I put the boppy or pillows around her to catch her fall. She only rolls from front to back and hasn't mastered back to front yet. But, I'm not worried like I was with Fox doing all these things. I know that when she's ready she'll do it and as long as she's still growing and happy, I'm happy!

She's been eating rice cereal every night since she was 4 months old. I tried introducing vegetables into her diet a month or so ago, but she wasn't having it. But a few days ago I tried again and now she seems to like anything I feed her. And we're increasing solids to about 2 times a day - not that it helps her sleep any better...

Oh my goodness. I'm kind of going insane. I haven't slept more than 4 hours at a time (and that's rare, it's usually a 2 or 3 hour block) in 7 months. One night she slept from 11pm-5am, but it was just a fluke and hasn't happened again since. How can I be mad when I have this to wake up to though?

Valentine's Day 2013.
Jane LOVES looking at herself in the mirror. I'd love looking at myself too if I were this cute!
As far as physical development, she sits up for about 10 minutes at a time but still falls over so I put the boppy or pillows around her to catch her fall. She only rolls from front to back and hasn't mastered back to front yet. But, I'm not worried like I was with Fox doing all these things. I know that when she's ready she'll do it and as long as she's still growing and happy, I'm happy!
She's been eating rice cereal every night since she was 4 months old. I tried introducing vegetables into her diet a month or so ago, but she wasn't having it. But a few days ago I tried again and now she seems to like anything I feed her. And we're increasing solids to about 2 times a day - not that it helps her sleep any better...
Oh my goodness. I'm kind of going insane. I haven't slept more than 4 hours at a time (and that's rare, it's usually a 2 or 3 hour block) in 7 months. One night she slept from 11pm-5am, but it was just a fluke and hasn't happened again since. How can I be mad when I have this to wake up to though?
Her daily routine at 7 months is as follows, it's pretty much verbatim from 6 months:
5:30am - wake up and eat
8:30am - nap
9:00am - play! (and yes, that's only a half hour nap...)
12pm - lunch of some pureed veggie or fruit of sorts
12pm - lunch of some pureed veggie or fruit of sorts
1pm - nap (and she HAS to be sleeping in someone's arms or she doesn't sleep - grrrr)
4pm - play
5pm - dinner of rice cereal with veggies or fruit mixed in
5pm - dinner of rice cereal with veggies or fruit mixed in
6:30pm - bedtime routine: bath, fall asleep in my arms nursing
7:00pm - asleep for the night in her crib
10-11:30pm - she wakes up so I nurse her back to sleep
1-2:30am - she wakes up so I nurse her back to sleep
5:30am - repeat
I emailed Jane's doctor and asked what I can do to get her to sleep longer at night and she suggested letting her cry it out. That's what we did with Fox at 6 months and it worked like a charm. I think tonight is the night because seriously, I'm sleep deprived. Okay, enough witching and moaning because at the end of the day, I've got this sweet little angel who brings me so much joy!
Still no teeth. Still has blue eyes. Her hair is growing in the same color brown as both of our families!
Happy 7 months Jane! Love you!
seriously, she is the CUTEST baby EVERRRRR. i cant get over that toothless smile. adorable!! and for reals...you need to sleep train that little angel ASAP. i'd die if i were sleeping as little as you!
ReplyDeleteShe is so beautiful! I can't wait to see a video of her snorting :)
ReplyDeleteAbsolutely can't wait to hear this little cutie snort! Haha! She is BEAUTIFUL!
ReplyDeleteSo Crazy. My little guy turns 7 months tomorrow and has the exact same sleeping situation. I mean, EXACT. He also rolls one direction, but not the other too. They need to be buddies :)
ReplyDeleteShe is sooooooooooooo beautiful!! Happy 7 months Jane!!!
ReplyDeleteShe is ADORABLE! Sigh baby love over here! I love all her headbands, do you make them? And yes she should be sleeping more at night. I didn't get my sleep back till my kids were 9 months but I also gave them an extra solid just before bed and that seemed to be the big difference! I think that maybe if she napped better she may sleep better too. Maybe go on a big sleep journey? :> Your a great mama love these posts!
ReplyDeleteHello gorgeous!!! Oh my goodness that dress is so pretty and it makes her blue eyes just pop! Where do you get her clothes I have to ask!
ReplyDeleteAchk! She's so adorable and you dress her so well!! Charlie's already in size 6 diapers at 2.5 years, getting so darn big! Good luck getting some sleep, that schedule sounds insaaaaane!
ReplyDeleteLOVE seeing Jane's growth!! You have the BEST photo documentary here, Paige! I also love Jane's little dress which is also inspiring :)
ReplyDeleteOh she is soooo cute!! Love all of the pictures:)
ReplyDeleteWhat a happy, beautiful girl! Both of mine had bad reflux so when I finally did try the cry it out method, they got so upset they threw up all over the place. So, needless to say, I gave up and neither slept through the night until they were 22 mos and 18 mos!! Looking back, I honestly dont know how I survived the sleep deprivation!
ReplyDeleteGah, she's such a happy baby! So lucky ;)
ReplyDeleteOh man! She is soooooo cute! Also, Brady wore size 4 diapers from the time he was 4 months until he was fully potty trained. Seriously.
ReplyDeleteSuch a beautiful baby, I hope you get the sleep sorted asap. My 2 sons 2 years apart in age wore the same sized nappies, now the youngest wears 5 1/2 and the eldest wears 4 or bigger depending on what I've got, but now the warmer weathers coming we're going to be tackling night dryness!
ReplyDeleteShe is lovely Paige!
ReplyDeleteHow did I not see this post until this morning? She is SO adorable and I get to see her in one week from today! Hooray!
ReplyDeleteWhat a cutie! The dress is absolutely adorable; it almost looks like a scrapbook page with all the layers of flowers.
ReplyDeleteShe is a dolly!!!!! I love that blue dress. Beautiful! <3
ReplyDeletecute baby girl Paige!!
ReplyDeleteI love her little grin!! And that dress is so awesome.
ReplyDeleteI hope she starts sleeping through the night soon for you!! London STILL wakes up every once in awhile, and even though she is always cute and melts my heart no matter how cranky I am when I go into get her, it's still not my favorite thing ever...
OMGEE the pic of her rolls is adorable! I'm going to need all those girly baby pacifier holders too please.