The One with Lately (According to My Phone)

Thursday, March 7, 2013

If my phone were to tell the story of our lives lately, this is how it would go:
Jane turned 7 months old and is as cute, pretty, and precious as ever.
This is how our dining room table looks after I film my Scrap Your Stash videos... It's like a tornado whipped through!
Oh. My. Goodness. I may be 100% biased, but WOW he sure is a fox. He seriously looks older than 2 here, no?
My favorite part of the day: play time!
I'm trying to figure out how to style Fox's hair. He would only pose for these pictures if he could eat some grapes. Whatever works!
We were on a walk and all of a sudden he ran and jumped in these bushes?? Boys.
There is a group of moms with babies and kids that meets at Eddie pPark three times a week for pre-school. You have to sign up months in advance and pay some money. But, it's a public park, so sometimes we just show up and crash the party.
One morning last week I took the kids to IKEA. We ate some lunch. It was good.
Jane was happy eating her mum mums.
Char-broiled Fox for dinner!
This is one of the things I picked up from IKEA - we needed this like a year ago!
Sittin' pretty.
Daddy/Daughter snuggles during Sunday School. She's almost outgrown the sleeping in our arms stage so we have to take advantage of them while we still can!
Fox at 7 months on the left | Jane at 7 months on the right
I think they definitely look like siblings!
Dude. I've been summoned for jury duty THREE times since living here. I got out of the first two, but for some reason now that I have two kids and am still nursing, they won't let me out again. BUT, we'll be moving before I'm supposed to appear so I'm getting out of it one way or another! Seriously California, pick on someone else.
That's what we've been up to lately!


  1. Aw, that's so crazy to see Fox at 7 months old! Oh how time has flown!!! He's such a big boy now! And Jane is cute as ever. That sleeping picture of her just melts my heart ;)

  2. I love every single picture in this post.

  3. What beautiful photos! And the design of your blog is lovely. 7 months she will be driving soon!

    Ali of

  4. love it!! I love that you crash the park :) So fun! :) Adorable kids!

  5. They are just sooooooooo cute cute cute!!!!

  6. You have a beautiful family! I need a little table for the kids so thanks for inspiration good old Ikea :)

  7. AGH cutest kids ever. You need to start making more ;)

  8. Paige your littles are so precious, I can't believe how fast time has flown by and Fox is actually 2 now! It has been so fun to watch them both grow, I think you're an awesome mommy :)

  9. ugh, bummer with the jury duty...but the kids pics are always such a treat!!

  10. Can't believe Jane is already 7 months! And what a bummer that you have Jury Duty.. super lame!!

  11. Such adorable kiddos! Can't believe 7 months have flown by, she is just beautiful!

  12. Jane's hair is growing in so fast!! And I love that picture comparing Fox and Jane at 7 months, so cute!

    Also, can't believe you've been summoned for jury duty that many times!! Unbelievable!!


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