The One with Schweinfurt, Germany!

Friday, April 12, 2013

Got our official orders today - Schweinfurt, Germany here we come!
Anybody from there? What should we see, do, eat??
It's one of the bases that is closing next fall, but we read that most people are then getting transferred to Vicenza, Italy next. How awesome that would be!!
Okay, now the real planning begins!
Auf Wiedersehen!


  1. How exciting! Best wishes to all of you!

  2. Yaayyy!!! So jealous of your life!! Can't wait to read about your adventures there!

  3. Gorgeous! I've been to Germany in 2004 yes long ago! It's beautiful and so clean! Best part is tht driving a few hours will take you to another country! Plan o visit Austria, Switzerland and why not a hot trip to the coast of Croatia where my family is from? And Italy would be amazing too!

  4. I am so excited for you and your family, Paige! Enjoy the year and whatever the next adventure brings!

  5. Oh how exciting. That is about a 4 and 1/2 train trip from Brussels! If yuou go to Vincenza you'll get to see Stephanie Howell, her family is moving there this summer! I'll try and visit you this summer!

  6. congrats, paige - what an amazing adventure this year will be for your family!

  7. Sounds amazing!!! How funny two of my favourite scrappers living in the same town - if you move to Italy!

  8. We are currently stationed in Vilseck/Graf, its about two hours away from where you are I think but its still Bavaria :)

  9. That sounds awesome! But would you only be there a couple of months? Why is the army bothering...typical government.

  10. Doesn't look too far from Paris! How fun!!!

  11. How exciting! I loved Germany, it is an amazing place. What a great adventure for your family, best of luck with everything!!

  12. Looks like a quaint and beautiful town to get settled in! Alles Gute!

  13. Congrats! Good luck with everything. We'll be looking forward to the updates :)

  14. I lived years ago down just south of Munich. You shoud definitely take a trip to munich, its an amazing city, so much to see and do and its so beautiful. You should definitely go further south if you can, its so beautiful. Garmish-Partenkirchen is an amazing area south of Munich right near the border of Austria. SO much to see. You are going to LOVE all of the castles. There is one not far from munich called Linderhof that is lovely and of cause there is Neuschwanstein which is north of where you are going to be, which is the castle disney based the disney castle on. The history in the country is just amazing. I loved all of the old churches and old buildings everywhere. Even just in your village/city will just be some amazing history/buildings things to see and soak up everwhere. And don't even start me on the food... :o)

  15. Wow! Thats crazy! Good luck. Hey maybe you'll learn German ;)

  16. Oh Paige, how great that you`ll come to live in Bavaria.
    When stationed in Schweinfurt you definitely have to visit Würzburg and in winter I can highly recommend the "Christkindlesmarkt" in Nürnberg (which is where I come from, about 120km from Schweinfurt). This market is almost legendary! :)
    I hope you`ll love Germany and especially Bavaria as much as I do! I`m really excited to hear about your adventures!

  17. Ouah! If you want to visit Strasbourg I'll be your guide!! :)

  18. OMG! So cute and amazing! And Italy would be awesome too!

  19. That's exciting!! Scheinfurt is a beautiful city, but so is Würzburg which is not far away from there - it's really worth a visit! :) Although you are stationed in Bavaria, please (!!) do me the favour and don't only visit cities in Bavaria, that's not how Germany is everywhere, and we Germans don't really like it when everyone thinks Germany is the same as Bavaria ;)
    If you have any questions or need help with some administrative stuff (we do have a lot of that in Germany..) and the language, you can contact me - seriously, don't hesitate ;) (I know we don't know each other, but I've also lived in another country for a while and I would have loved having some help from someone who lived there, such an adventure can be quite frustrating or confusing at times).

    Best wishes for you and your family and I hope you enjoy your stay in Germany! :)


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