The One with Chris' USC Dental School Graduation

Friday, May 17, 2013

Today was a day we've been anticipating for 4 whole years (or, in Chris' words, 27 years): Chris' graduation from the Ostrow School of Dentistry of the University of Southern California! 
We sent Tom and Margi super early, like, 3.5 hours early, to save us some prime seats.   
We showed up about an hour before the commencement.
His name is in the program (twice!) so it must be true!

Trying to occupy 2 children for 4 hours was... well... let's just say they keep me on my toes!
Fox was a pretty good boy and was entertained by cameras, applauding, and seeing Chris walk by a few times as he passed to get into his seat and then to get his diploma and back to his seat. 

Jane was happy reading eating the program. 
 And then she took a long snooze in Nana's lap. 

Here come the graduates!
Chris getting "hooded".
Fight on!
 I love my family.
Jenny / Kate / Me / Erica
Congrats guys! Wyatt / Blake / Chris / Brian / Chris 
We did it! Erica / Me / Jenny / Jenny / Veronica
 We're missing a few of our favorite friends in this picture, but I'm glad we still got a group together to celebrate the special day!
After pics we walked across the street to the Institute to play with toys and let the kids run free while Chris and Pops got us some lunch. Jane made a mess with her snack'ems and Fox was in heaven playing with closets full of toys. 
Kate and Jade swung by and we needed a goodbye picture!
 One thing we will NOT miss: LA TRAFFIC!
Chris's Facebook status the second we got home: "You don't have to call me Dr. Evans... Chris Evans, D.D.S. will do." He's so humble :)
  I'm so proud of my Captain Doctor Christopher Neil Evans, D.D.S.! On to the next big adventure!


  1. What simply amazing news and great photos!!! I see a dinosaur in that mix, we have many of those around here.

  2. BIG congrats to all of you! can you believe that after a seven year residency, there's no graduation. they're just done. crazy!

    btw - you look amazing. love the skirt!

  3. Congrats to Chris (and the whole family)! You look simply stunning!

  4. Congrats to Chris and your family..amazing accomplishment! And you look simply stunning!

  5. what a stand up Captain! love it.. congratulations Chris! You guys looked great - feels so good eh?

  6. Congrats! Your skirt is incredible, by the way! Can't believe you guys are done!!!

  7. Congrats Dr. Evans! :) I loveeeeeeee the photos!!!

  8. huge congrats and best wishes! :)

  9. Congratulations to Chris, all the hardwork paid off. Love the sweet family photos.

  10. Wow. You. Look. Fantastic! Way to go Chris, what a huge accomplishment. So cool to be able to follow all of your adventures.

  11. What a huge accomplishment. Way to go! Congratulations to your little family...adorable!

  12. Congrats to your family. Its so awesome to share in your journey through your blog. You look great! No sweets really paid off :)

  13. Wahoo!! Congrats to Chris! And you look stunning!! :)

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