The One with Covered Goods™

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Last August must have been a very sexy month because I know dozens of babies that have already been born in May and another dozen due before the end of May! All these babies means baby showers and gifts and get-togethers with friends to celebrate the miracle of life. 
What-oh-what to get all these moms-to-be that's cute, fun, functional, unique, and perfect?
Enter Covered Goods™! (How cute is that name?)
My friend Jamie Yetter is the designer and owner of Covered Goods™
As a mother of three beautiful girls, she faced a common fear while nursing in public: exposure! And listen, I totally get and understand that some women are all about nursing openly in public. Props to them, really! But I personally don't want my goods revealed :) So when Jamie launched her website last year, I snatched one up as fast as you can say, "Bob's your uncle." 
It was PERFECT for traveling with Fox and a still nursing Jane to Washington for Christmas. Covered Goods™ look like infinity scarves so that's exactly how I wore mine on the airplane - as an accessory! Nobody was the wiser!
When Jane needed to eat, I simply pulled my "scarf"/Covered Goods™ over my body and Jane went to town and I was perfectly modest and covered the entire time. When she was done, I slipped it back into a scarf position and we were on our merry way.
Covered Goods™ nursing covers give you all the benefits that the traditional covers do… and more! They provide true all over coverage, front AND back, and are made of super comfy, breathable fabric that stretches. There aren't any straps or rings to mess with, they take seconds to put on and take off, and they alleviate any worry that your baby will kick or pull your cover off. The flexible neck can also be worn down under one arm to give you even more freedom to use that arm while nursing. The added benefit of the flexible neck allows you to peek in on your baby or make sure your little one has latched properly. The cover can be folded very small for storage without worry of ruining it. With Covered Goods™  you can truly nurse anytime, anywhere! 
 Living in one of the capitals of fashion, Jamie has access to the highest quality fabrics and cutest designs so she's always switching out her inventory and making new options.
 Covered Goods™ nursing covers are hand cut and hand sewn locally in the Los Angeles area to help support the economy and to ensure a quality product. Not only are you supporting United States manufacturing, but you are buying a product that is perfect for any nursing mother! 
Here is her current selection of Covered Goods™:

I know what I'll be getting mothers-to-be for the rest of my life - a Covered Goods™!
PS - Jamie didn't even ask me to write this post, I just really really really LOVE my Covered Goods™ and think every nursing mom should have one :)


  1. now that's a great idea, I was always one of those women who did not like to nurse in public, wish I had one, a blanket always falls off!

  2. What a great idea! LOVING them!! And I had to share this with you -- found it through a friend on Pinterest and wasn't sure if you had seen it ... :)

  3. I love this! I am going to go order one right now! I've been looking for something like this for a while now- so glad I found one! Thanks for posting!!

  4. Love these! Thanks so much for sharing Paige I have been looking for the perfect cover with my new one on the way.

  5. Oh how many times I wish I had this! These are awesome!

  6. I'm not nowhere near of becoming a mother, but this looks really great and useful! :)
    Btw, have you announced the winner of the NSD American Crafts Bloghop? I haven't seen anything, but I'm not really sure. Thanks! :)

  7. Super cute! If I ever have another, definitely gonna get one!

  8. @Kathleen - I just updated the AC NSD post with the winner, thanks for the reminder :)

  9. I love my covered goods also! I have been telling all my friends here in Spokompton and we are loving 'em! Way better than the ones that only cover your hooters and not your love handles hehee.

  10. These look like the best nursing covers!! Way to go Jamie! :)

  11. I really like this, I just wish that Sabrina didn't absolutely despise being covered. I think you have to start covered for them to get use to it.

  12. Thanks Paige! I had a cover made out of some Amy Butler fabric and was always self conscious of it pulling one way or another, especially after my baby started moving around and grabbing at the fabric! This looks awesome! :)

  13. Those are super cute! Seem really effective, too. My nursing cover could no longer stand up to Drake pulling on it- wasn't quite "covering" enough when he got a bit bigger. I'll have to get one of those for the next time around!

  14. OMGee. I'm totally getting one. And the name covered goods is WAY better than udder covers. I mean, seriously? Udder covers? Thanks. Way cuter too.

  15. These look great! I wish I would have known about it a few months ago though. I spent way more money on my DRIA cover but this looks about the same. Thank you for posting this!

  16. I received one as a baby gift and LOVE it! Right from the coverage to the material, every aspect is perfect! I am now going to order a couple more so I don't have to wash mine at night all the timeit to have it ready for the next day!


Paige Taylor Evans © 2025 // Quinn Creatives DESIGN