The One with the 2Peas Gardeners' Digest June 2013 Blog Hop

Saturday, June 22, 2013

The 22nd of the month means it's the 2Peas Gardeners' Digest Day - a monthly blog hop hosted by the Garden Girls! Below you will find a sneak of one of my upcoming layouts for the 2Peas Project Gallery a couple of projects from a scrapbooker that inspires me (Becky Williams), a list of 5 items that I've placed in my shopping cart, and a giveaway!

Here is a little sneak of the summer-themed layout that I created for the July 1st Garden Girl debut. Check out the rest of my Garden Girl creations HERE.
I'll post the entire layout on July 1st!
I've been working with Becky Williams through American Crafts for almost a year now (plus another year a year before that!) and am BIG FAN of her scrappy style. Since it's officially the 2nd day of summer, these summery and colorful layouts she made have me bursting at the seams to get outside and play in the sunshine!

Be sure to check out more of Becky's projects on her blog and her 2Peas Gallery.
Neon is IN! A lot of the clothes we're wearing lately have pops of neon so these enamel dew drop stickers by Freckled Fawn would make the perfect embellishment to my upcoming layouts.
I always hand cut my hearts and it takes forever and a day, so a heart punch by Fiskars would make the process sooooo much easier!
I want to frame this Lemon Zest 12x12 paper from the Citrus Squeeze collection by Webster's Pages and hang it on the wall...
An assortment of die cuts, cards, buttons, ribbon, and other ephemera from the new Travel Girl line by October Afternoon.
And last but certainly not least, still my favorite product these days, a 6x6 patterned paper pad called I (HEART) SUMMER from Simple Stories!
These fun products are only a click away!

I've got a giveaway to go along with this post! Just some extra goodies I've got hanging around begging to be scrapped including Pinwheels from The Pier by Crate Paper, Thickers from Mayberry by American Crafts, die cut cards from Hipster and Hey You! by BasicGrey, a smashbook type journal from BasicGrey, and two rolls of washi tape from the Valley High July 2013 kit from Studio Calico!
 Leave a comment on this post by Saturday June 29th letting me know what your summer plans are and I'll pick one lucky winner!

Next on the hop is Lilith Eeckels


  1. Well, I'll be working during Summer time, but I'm planning on enjoying it to the fullest!!!!!

  2. What a fun post!! Our summer plans are going to Vegas during CHA week :) I will be at CHA, the family will be off swimming and playing and then we will all meet up and hang out together! Can't wait :)

  3. Summer Plans? Family reunion & homeschooling the kids & swimming laps.

  4. My summer plans are to scrap, scrap, scrap! serenitysmom

  5. Love those summer layouts - totally inspiring


  6. Yes! Can't wait to see the rest of your sneak. You always do something so cool and in such a creative way. And I am so in love with those NEON enamel dots!

    Summer plans? Going to Seattle for a mini family reunion to meet our newest member (another nephew!), a visit to Catalina Island, and running the Neon Splash Dash 5k (this is why I must get those enamel dots - ha ha!).

    2peas - sassiescrapper

  7. My summer plans include a lot of football watching, getting my daughter ready to head off to college, and hopefully a small trip to the beach! Thanks for the chance! peaname: momm

  8. This summer we have bbqing and camping by the river planned.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. I love your layouts - so colorful & your picks! yeah! We're planning on lots of pool time this summer!

  11. The end of the school year meant the end of a 2-year commitment as PTA chair. So this summer I'll be doing - whatever I want. Mostly scrapping, playing Mass Effect and spending time with my family. -- tltorrez

  12. As always your projects are just awesome!!! Our summer started a couple of weeks ago when school let out. We are kinda doing the staycation thing and visiting places close to home that we have never seen....and of course that will give me lots of new scrap material!!

  13. Planning on lots of boating, if the weather cooperates!

  14. My summer plans include getting ready for college in the fall! I have a lot of fun projects planned as well and of course to break out my bicycle and enjoy the sunshine!


  15. I will go to the beach, relax, scrap, read at least 4 books and on September I will go to Ovest U.S. (I'm Italien) and I will marry in Vegas :)
    pretty plans, uh ;)

  16. Great sneak! I love those slide frames and loving the neon dots too! We have lots going on this summer - family wedding/vacation, camps, visits, all good stuff.

  17. ive got a 7-4 job so after i plan on hanging with my daughter and getting fun stuff checked off of her summer fun list.

  18. Going to Pigeon Forge, Tennessee for a family reunion with my husband's side of the family. So excited to see all the cousins and in-laws!!

  19. My summer plans are quite boring, as I will have to study for my final exams at university and won't have time to do much else at all :-/ But I still hope I'll manage to sneak in some scrapping :) Thanks for the chance to win!

  20. Our summer plans are to enjoy all the free time by reading, camping and just staying home to relax!

  21. This summer we plan to make up for last summer and travel travel travel.

  22. We homeschool year round and will be going on two vacations in July and we'll take August off from homeschooling

    Heather aka heathergw

  23. Heading to the Outer Banks tomorrow with the grandkids and family for a lovely beach week. Scrapper 1011

  24. So cute, Paige! We don't have any summer plans. I am getting a nephew in a few weeks though so that will be exciting!

  25. relaxing and scrapping this summer! 2peas name- kitteykaty

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  27. Can't wait to see your full LO! It looks amazing. My summer plans include spending lots of time with my fiance, job searching, and lots of walking!!

    (Sorry, forgot to post my TwoPeas name in the first comment! Mine is alone_inacrowdedroom)

  28. Can't wait to see the rest of your layout!! Summer plans are to hopefully hit the beach and get up North :)

  29. I always love your layouts and some of these suggestions are going to be added to my shopping cart right now! Thanks for the tips!!

  30. Going camping with our church group and a short vacation in California. TFS.

  31. your crazy lady, i can't believe you have been hand cutting your hearts. the heart punch was one of my first to purchase:)

    This summer I am soaking up free unplanned time with my hubby and kids! Nothing like long lazy summer days to do whatever pops in your mind ;)

  32. Summer plans are trying to get outside whenever the weather is warm (I'm in AK) and having a baby!

  33. These are awesome extra goodies! Summer plans for me is hanging out with me kids and having lots of laughs.

  34. I'll be working in the garden and taking a trip to the coast this summer

  35. Thanks for the link and the inspiration! I'm a Becky Williams fan too. :)
    Plans for the summer? My kids and I are headed to Disney World this week - boo-yah! It's basically a long weekend, but I'll take it. Other than that, my kids have camps - dance, band, and time at the pool and local water park is on tap this summer too.
    Thanks for the chance to win!

  36. I just plan to take it easy, walking, gardening, relaxing.

  37. So kind of you to share these goodies!
    I planning on lounging by the pool with a good book.

  38. Pool time, a few weekend trips then a trip to NYC and the US open!

  39. Hanging out with friends and crafting up a storm (including my Christmas cards)! TFS!!!

  40. Pool, Pool and more Pool...Oh Yeah and my Honeymoon!! I need to start collecting beach supplies to scrap it when I get back!!

  41. What a great post! I am taking taking the summer to spend time with the kids...hopefully I can scrap more! Thanks for the chance for that amazing giveaway!

  42. Both my boys have bought houses with their partners and should be in and settled by the summer hols. I shall be getting my own home back in order and reclaiming my craft room.

  43. Both my boys have bought houses with their partners and should be in and settled by the summer hols. I shall be getting my own home back in order and reclaiming my craft room.

  44. My summer plans are to be on the dock with my two amazing kids - soaking up the sun til winter comes!

  45. My plan is simple - enjoy the summer. it's hard to believe that one month has already gone..

  46. We will mainly be at home watching movies on our outdoor movie setup, going on plenty of bike rides. With a week at our family cabin in Wawona (Yosemite National Park), a week visiting Northern California and a trip to Disneyland, but that is more towards the end of summer!!! Can't wait for July 1st, your project looks so lively! Thanks.

  47. We're taking a driving trip from Florida to Iowa and back! Hope to make lots of memories to scrap.

  48. I am really enjoying your website and seeing all of the great ideas on the hop! So inspiring!


  49. My summer plans include a trip to visit family in Florida & lots of pool time with the kids!

  50. Love all of the wonderful summer projects and inspiration! my plans for this summer are right? margievis

  51. This summer I plan to NEVER set the alarm clock and to enjoy as many sunsets as I can. (2Ps name, gleestormont)

  52. lovely giveaway. great blog hop. thanks

  53. lovely giveaway. great blog hop. thanks

  54. Thanks for the chance to win! My summer plans include a week in Crete, Greece and also a visit to the exhibition about Titanic in our neighbour city.

  55. This comment has been removed by the author.

  56. Love your layouts and the giveaway! We are having a garage sale and then heading to the lake for a week.

  57. Our plans are to hang out at the lake! Thanks for the chance to win!

  58. Summer plans are a week in northern ontario and a week in Michigan. Other than that just spending as much time as I can with my daughter Jayne.

  59. Your work is always incredible - love your layouts! Those rainbow dots are so cute :)

  60. always love seeing what you are up to crafting!!! this summer I just went to Utah and hoping to go back, and then up to the central coast of Cali- my fave!!! plus the beach too.

  61. Oh my love you sneak peek with those chipboard frames, I'm loving the freckled fawn enamel dots too.

    Thanks for the chance to win some goodies :)

  62. Love your layouts in your most recent post!! Very inspiring and colourful!!
    This summer, I'll be hitting the parks and wading pools with my toddler, visiting the family farm in July and possibly going on a little family "staycation" in August!

  63. Lots of lake time and some camping too!

  64. We are going camping in the White Mountains of Arizona for our anniversary.

  65. For me it's going to be a Bed Rest kind of Summer because my pregnancy. Although I am trying to plan fun for the kids w/my Hubby I'll be trying to catch up on scrapbooking from bed!

  66. I will be working but will try to spend more time outside. Enjoying the summer days.

  67. I have mostly tons of work to do this summer, but I am hoping to squeeze in a 2-3 day getaway with my husband!

  68. The thing i'm looking forward to the most is my good friends wedding. This is my first wedding in a grown up age, so i'm so excited! I'm also going to spend a lot of time with friends and family!

  69. My summer plans are to soak up as much time as I can with my best friend before she goes back to school. She'll be in PT school for the next 3 1/2 years, so we're enjoying our time before she loses her mind. haha Thanks for the awesome giveaway!

    two peas:emilyclaire817

  70. Our biggest summer plans is having a new baby in less than 2 weeks! :) Cannot wait to meet her! :)

  71. My "summer" will be ending, I'm starting my new job the second week of July! :( We'll be taking advantage of our weekends now!

  72. I agree, that Lemon Zest paper is yummy!


  73. Summer plans... to spend as much time enjoying our 18 year old before she heads off to college in the Fall- as much as she will allow LOL - and also spend time with our granddaughter who is 18 months old and loves to spend time with us.

  74. Great picks!! We are planning to go on a roadtrip, starting in Boulder, CO to 2 National Parks in Utah, then up to Salt Lake City and further up to Yellowstone!! It is going to be awesome!! I already excited!! :D


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