The One with Phone Life

Friday, June 14, 2013

We've been in Washington almost 3 weeks now. Here's what we've been up to:

Joey and Gypsy, sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G. Seriously, these two are in love.
 To buy or not to buy? That is the question. Well, we didn't get this exact one, but we did find a fedora at Target which Fox willingly wears all the live long day.
 Fox sitting on the ginormous boulder in our house.
 28th birthday dinner at Claim Jumper!
 Daddy Daughter snuggles. Chris has been gone 8 whole days. We miss him like crazy. 
 What happens when you give a girl a cookie?
 We made an obligatory trip to Google for lunch with my dad.
 The views of Seattle from the cafe are stunning. It helps that it was a nice and clear day.
 It felt like Thanksgiving! But it was just a normal day at Google.
 Such a handsome doggie.
 Jane is a contortionist when it comes to highchairs.
 Riding ATVs in my parent's backyard. They have the life!
 5am wake up call! Good thing she's cute!
Lunch is served!
 Next door to Fatburger is Party City and they have one of those Thomas train tables that Fox is entertained with for HOURS. Literally. HOURS.
So when we got home after this outing I searched for train tables on Craiglist. I found an entire huge set for $100 at a garage sale a few cities over. SCORE! First step: disinfect!
 All set up and ready to play! Notice he's wearing his hat :)
 Joey's a big fat traitor.  
Basking in the sunshine.
 Her faces!
 Had to get Rachel microchipped for Germany! Why? Who knows. 
 Fox got a big boy haircut!
 Nom nom nom. 
 Yesterday we drove down to the Port of Tacoma to ship our car.
 Bye bye car! See you in Germany in a couple months!
 Then we went to Ft. Lewis to see if we can accomplish anything and walked away with a migraine. People, if we ever get to Germany, it'll be a miracle. 


  1. LOVE the pics wishing you happy SUCCESS and prayers! You can do it!!

  2. Man I miss you guys! Thanks for all the pictures so I can see what you're up to. I love you!

  3. Is there seriously a giant rock inside your house?

  4. I am loving all the photos ... what a SCORE on the train set!!!

  5. Yup @PamD - a giant rock IN the house. One of the many crazy unique features!

  6. wow you've been busy! cute cookie face and love the engineer with his new train set and adorable fedora!

  7. Love that picture of Rachel! I'm glad you get to take her with you!

  8. Great photos, your parents house must be amazing. And Rachel, omg, she's so beautiful. I know, I know. Crazy cat lady here.


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