The One with Touristing Seattle

Friday, June 7, 2013

It's always fun to be a tourist in your own town - I certainly feel like a tourist when I carry my camera around and take pictures every second! Anyway, I saw on Caroline's blog that she recently went to Seattle and took pictures of the skyline from Kerry Park - somewhere I've never been - and I'm ALL ABOUT getting crème de la crème views! So we hopped in the car after Jane's morning nap to see all that we could see.
Crossing the I90 bridge.
The views did not disappoint. In fact, if we ever have friends come visit Seattle and they want to do touristy things, Kerry Park is definitely at the top of the list.
It was almost completely clear so we could see majestic Mt. Rainier in the background, but it's not showing up very well in my edited photos :)
Our family. I've already scrapped this photo for one of my monthly American Crafts layouts - I'll share soon!
 We told Fox we were going to a park, which to him means slides and swings, so luckily there was a park at the bottom of the hill and we played around for awhile.
 I wonder how much these apartments in Queen Anne cost with such amazing views?
Then we hopped in the car and drove a few blocks to go to Pike Place Market.
Alleyways and tall buildings.
Drain pipes? And a cool doorway.
What's a trip home without a visit to Pike Place?
The famous Pike Place Fish Co. - look carefully and you can see a fish being thrown in the left picture.
Colorful fruits and veggies.
Random shopper but I loved her bouquet of flowers. Vines for texture.
We got some uber yummy mac'n'cheese at Beecher's. Seriously the best mac'n'cheese my mouth has ever tasted.
Can you believe in all my years of going to Pike Place I've never been to the gum wall literally right there? 
Well, now I can say that I have, and I don't ever need to go back :)
It was cool to see, not so cool to smell! 
We saw a bunch of Elders and Sisters walking around - a fun P-Day activity perhaps?
No, I didn't add any gum to the collection.
 Crossed two things off my list of things to do and see - Kerry Park and the Gum Wall!

Then we walked to the end of Pike Place to see more good views of Seattle.

Note to self: ride that Ferris Wheel while we're here!


  1. Great pictures! I miss you guys a ton!

  2. beautiful! Gum wall.. disgusting!

  3. I have always wanted to visit there! LOVING the photos!!!

  4. You should have called! You were literally 3 blocks from my work! Also, something you should do while you are still here is go back to Pike Place Market, go down downstairs and take pictures in the old photobooth (the same one where Katherine and Sean took pictures during her home town date) ;)

  5. dang, i wanted to see a picture of that lady getting her hair in the gum ;)

  6. Totally random, but I know how much you dig this type of stuff...and maybe you already know. We went to Kerry Park a few years back, and there is a ton of houses in that area that were used for filming movies/tv shows. :) I know one of them is right across the street, but now I can't remember what popular tv show it was.

    Anywho. Love the pictures.

  7. this is TOTALLY awesome--makes me HOME sick! LOVE Seattle!

  8. So funny! We will be traveling to the Seattle area in August, and my daughter wants to visit the gum wall! Some video blogger she follows went there. I think it's disgusting, but didn't realize it was so close to Pike Place. We might have to make a quick stop there just to make her day. No touching! Also, I was reading a more recent post of yours about your day in Snoqualmie. Such a cute little town. My dad has a Snoqualmie address, but actually lives in Monroe.


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