The One with Phone Photos: 8.9.13

Friday, August 9, 2013

My handy dandy phone keeps track of our daily lives! And what a whirlwind the last couple of days have been!
We got to see our offered house on Tuesday instead of Friday and got the keys Wednesday and moved in today! I arranged our household goods (meaning everything we own that was shipped from California to Germany back in May) to be delivered the earliest day possible - next Friday. Then they called today and said they can deliver them on Monday instead! In just a few days life will feel NORMAL! I can't wait to sleep in my own bed again!
The keys to our new digs!
So. Many. Stairs. Buh-bye cellulite!
Eating at the cafeteria sans Chris cuz he was tromping around in the woods with the dentists. Why do dentists need to tromp through the woods? I dunno.
These next few pics are from our trip to Weiden last weekend, I just really like them :)
These two. Always up to mischief and shenanigans!
This is where the Commander of the Grafenwöhr base lives. 
I couldn't pick a favorite. She's just too cute. These are from the hotel playground.
Love the sun rays coming through the clouds.
Jane got FOUR shots at her 1 year appointment on Tuesday. She hasn't slept through the night since, poor baby. 
So Bavarian!
Wednesday night we ate Mongolian grill at the Patton's Fireside Lounge. 
We loaded up meat and veggies into a bowl which was weighed and we paid.
The carpet in the lounge. 
Yummy! Probably the best meal we've had to date thus far in our German adventure!

This morning we said sayonara to the hotel!

Hello new home!
We had to drive to Vilseck to pick up some things like dishes and a pack'n'play and what not to tide us over until our own stuff arrives on Monday.

I have a feeling we'll be spending lots of time here over the next 3 or 4 years! This park is practically in our backyard. #FUN!
Life is good.


  1. so happy for you, and I hope Jane feels better soon!

  2. These are wonderful photos! I hope you are all doing well.

  3. Loving the photos!!! Poor baby girl with the shots FUN!! :(

  4. Great news! Enjoy your new home!

  5. Oh I love looking through these. Like seeing it all through your eyes. Cannot imagine but what an experience. See and enjoy as much as you can. But first enjoy your own bed! Woohoo!

  6. Congrats on moving to the new home! I think you are settling quite splendidly!

  7. A heartly welcome to you & your family! Poor baby girl...hope she is doing fine by now?
    have a great time!


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