The One with the 2Peas Gardeners' Digest September 2013 Blog Hop

Sunday, September 22, 2013

It's the 22nd of the month - which means it's time for another 2Peas Gardeners' Digest - a monthly blog hop hosted by the Garden Girls! Below you will find a sneak of my upcoming layout for the 2Peas Project Gallerya couple of layouts from a scrapbooker that inspires me (Erin Stewart), a list of 5 items that I've placed in my shopping cart, and a giveaway of some scrappy Halloween stuff!

Here is a sneak peek of the me-themed layout that I created for the October 1st Garden Girl debut - subject to change because I can't decide if I'm in love with it:
Check out the rest of my Garden Girl creations HERE and I'll share the entire layout on September 1st!
I've been working with Erin Stewart on the American Crafts Design Team for the past year and I'm so happy she's back again this year! Because, I'm telling ya, this girl is wicked talented! Check out these two layouts she made for Monochromatic Week and then uploaded to the 2Peas Gallery:
SWEET SADIE by Erin Stewart
I love that she has a little boy and baby girl just a bit younger than my own little boy and baby girl! View more of Erin's projects on her bog and her 2Peas Gallery!
These products probably don't even need promoting, they promote themselves cuz they're that awesome, BUT, here they are, nonetheless! And now that I have my hands on them I can say with confidence they are A.M.A.Z.I.N.G! Even more so in real life!
 The Cut & Paste line by Amy Tangerine for American Crafts.
The Flea Market collection by Maggie Holmes for Crate Paper.
The Front Porch line by Pebbles.
The Polka Dot Party line by Dear Lizzy for American Crafts.
I love love love love love (love love love!) patterned paper!

This is one case where patience is a virtue (my life-long trial)! My mom (again! She's the best!) got me the exclusive American Crafts Halloween stuff at Target (I MISS TARGET!!!!) and I got it in the mail a couple weeks ago. Then AC so kindly sent me some and I don't need doubles. But my pain (?) is your gain cuz I'm giving the extras away!
Leave a comment on this post telling me what you or your kids plan to be for Halloween and I'll pick a winner next Sunday! GOOD LUCK!
PS - the winner from the American Crafts Blog Hop has been announced at the bottom of that post.

Next on the hop is the talented Michelle De Leon!


  1. Loving the products and lo's you highlighted and LOVING your sneak too!!! My daughter wants to be Hello Kitty for Halloween!! :)

  2. Great sneak! Love the inspiration! Thanks for the chance! My DD wants to be a beautiful fairy princes...not just any fairy princess, a BEAUTIFUL fairy princess (She's almost 4!) My 2 boys are sadly 'too old' to go T & they think...:)

  3. Scrapper1011 here and my grandchildren prefer to stay home and hand out the candy in their costumes. Neither one actually likes to go trick or treating. Maybe when they are a bit older!

  4. I love your sneak! Your layouts are always awesome! My kids always dress up (even though they are getting older...)

  5. Those paper clips are so fun! I have no idea what my little one will be. She just 16 months so something cute and practical since she won't be trick or treating anyway!

  6. my 12yo wants to be a bunny, go figure. i'm trying to talk my 10 yo twins into being minions, but they're having none of it so not sure what they will be yet!

  7. My Jayne will probably be a monster. :)

    What are your kids being? Is Halloween the same in Germany as it is in North America?

  8. Sadly we don't really do Halloween in NZ, but I'm sure we'll find an excuse to dress up, even if it is only for me to take photos. I'm thinking E (age 2.75) would love to be a Dr, she is obsessed with Doc McStuffins, or a blue bird, she also loves Rio!
    Thanks for the chance to win!

  9. I am totally going to stalk you until I see the sneak peek layout! I must scraplift this! TFS.

  10. My kiddos are going to be the little mermaid & indiana jones :)

  11. I don't have kiddos, so I don't do much on Halloween...but I did spend yesterday putting up my fall & Halloween decorations! I love them!!! :) Thanks for the chance.

  12. Thanks for the chance to win! My kids are adults and won't dress up anymore.

  13. Thanks for your inspiration! My kiddos don't dress up for a Halloween anymore but I did scrap pictures of them recently in some costumes- a devil and an angel! thanks for the chance!

  14. I always love what you create paige.
    Thanks for giving away your extra goodies. For Halloween I'm going to take pics with my 2 dogs and sister all dress up and then watch Halloween movies but not the scary ones.

  15. I have really been enjoying your layered layouts. Thanks for sharing! I have two adult children so I don't know if or what they will be wearing!

  16. Oh, I always LOVE your creations! Can't wait to see to see the full reveal! Dh and I don't have children but we are planning on being zombies for Halloween!

    Thanks for the chance to win!

    2peas: sassiescrapper

  17. Halloween unfortunately is not big here in Australia =( However it is my birthday that day =D so my partner and I are planning our first date night since having the kids =D =D (well first ever really)

  18. We go to the Whitby Goth Weekend, so my daughter will be all goth-ed up - we just spectate (some fab outfits there - look it up & see!)

  19. I plan on making some fall treats and indulging!! I see lots of pumpkin-flavored baked goods in the cards for that day :)

  20. Erin's layouts are amazing! Pattern paper is my weakness too! I am in the middle of making Halloween cards so I would love to win some more supplies to create with!

  21. Love what you do with paper! Fabulous every time thank you so much!
    2peas name: lisascreativeniche

  22. Oh how fun Halloween is! We always enjoy taking our son out for treats. H_1_L_1

  23. The nerve of my kids to outgrow dressing up for halloween. But that's OK, my god daughter's 5yr old was born on H'ween, so we ALWAYS have a fun party (with dress up) to go to.
    This year's theme, fairy godmothers!!
    (2Ps name, gleestormont)

  24. wonderful products you selected for your favorite 5's.
    Thanks for the chance to win!
    Pea name: Dani_bmm

  25. I love seeing what inspires you. Erin Stewart is great. Your sneak looks good so I hope you use it! We will probably take my son to the mall (less walking) for trick or treating then head home and hand out candy which is actually his favorite part!

  26. So love all your product picks, they all look so good. We don't have a Target here in NZ either. I don't think my kids will be dressing up as they are boring and Halloween isn't as big here, although my daughter's 18 and her friend loves Halloween.

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. No dressing up here anymore, but I did just print off a bunch of older photos of my boys in costumes to do a mini book! :)

  29. Taking my son Trick or Treating with the neighborhood kiddos & eating lots of goodies. Costumes for the whole family still to be determined... Thanks for the great peak @ the product. Love it!

  30. No kids here, but I hope we'll do something with my friends.

  31. Loving that sneak! My eldest wants to be something creepy, she has settled on a skeleton. Not sure what the little one will be yet....I'm hoping to entice her into an old costume....

  32. My son will probably be some kind of MONSTER.
    I'll be a Witch

  33. How fun - thanks for the chance to win.


  34. We were just having this conversation over the weekend and they cannot decide. I gave them until the end of the week. Trying to get the costumes early this year.

  35. Love your sneak peek, the kids haven't decided what they want to be yet for halloween- hopefully it's not last minute. Thanks for the chance to win :)

  36. I'm going to make a dummy and float it in our swimming pool. Tee hee.

  37. The boys are going to be turtles! Thanks for the chance.

  38. Superfun! Love the fall inspiration.. Your sneak looks promising and love your layout with all the leafs @ 2peas! Sadly I won't be celebrating Halloween. I'm from the netherlands and it's not celebrated here, so I'm missing out on that.. As well as on candy corn and pumpkin spice lattes ;-P (Sparklin @ 2peas)

  39. So the 5 products that you love might as well be my list too! I love hose collections. Sadly my kids are too old to dress up on Halloween. Hope there is something fun for your kids planned on post.

  40. Target? Your mom has a way cool Target, that's all I gotta say! Also, your sneak is pretty cool, I would love to see it even if you don't choose to keep it for the Oct 1 reveal, especially if you don't choose it, along side whatever you do choose to use so I can see the comparison; I bet I'd love them both!

  41. What a fun giveaway. My daughter wants to be a peacock. Not very Halloween-ish but I'll have to figure out someway to scrap the photos.

  42. Oh, my...I LOVE those patterned papers, too!! So beautiful.

    This will be my granddaughter's first Halloween to go trick-or-treating. Not sure yet what she will dress up as. Probably a princess. :)

    How lovely of you to offer such enticing blog candy! Tell your mom THANKS from all of us for having a chance to win your extras. What a sweetheart!!!
    <3 J

    jwoolbright at gmail dot com

  43. Would LOVE to win! My son will be a Ninja Turtle and my daughter will be Doc McStuffins. :-)

  44. Ok I got a cowgirl princess, Spider-Man, Cookie Monster, Alice , and one undecided.....we usually do themes and I'm trying for Alice in wonderland this year so I can be the red queen!! It's not looking good as I have apparently raised 6 very strong willed beauties!! Thanks krabbett

  45. Love that AC line at Target! Esp. those sequins! serenitysmom

  46. No kids, but I'll be at a conference in Austin, TX this year. Looking forward to it!

  47. i haven't dressed up for halloween since i can't remember... but i always dream of what i'd want to be! i would love to an assassin from the video game assassin's creed :)

  48. No costumes this year. (If I had the patience tho, I'd make a "weeping angel" costume!) :)
    Thanks for all the great inspiration & the giveaway!

  49. MOM is the best!
    This is a pretty awesome halloween line they put out this year!!
    Those pins are the best!!

    thanks for a chance!!
    2peas: iwilling


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