The One with Christmas Photos Through the Years

Saturday, October 12, 2013

One of my favorite things to do is look at pictures from many years ago and compare them to now. For the past five years we've gotten our family pictures taken at Christmas-time for Christmas cards.

2009 by Kate Hawkley - we walked around our South Pasadena neighborhood (oh how I miss it so!) with our then-puppy Joey. He was our child then haha. But we were trying! TMI? Sorry.

2010 by Amelia Lyon - I had been a fan of Amelia's for years and when we found out we were moving to Los Angeles AND having a baby I booked her immediately for our first official pictures as a family of three. 

2011 by Megan Papworth - this year we went up and around the Pasadena City Hall. I was about six weeks pregnant with Jane here and wanted oh-so-badly to tell the entire world but waited just a couple more weeks.

2012 by Jill Facer - our first Christmas pics as a family of four! To commemorate living in SoCal we took pictures at the beach, Newport Beach specifically, even though Chris dislikes the beach to his core, haha.

2013 by Mary Anne Miner - I saw Mary Anne's photos of families before the husbands/dads deployed and fell in love with her style. She's moving soon so we had to get our pics taken early! I'll do a full reveal in November. Yes, I know Fox looks like he's about to murder someone and Jane isn't even looking at the camera, but it pretty much sums up our life right now! Kids kids kids.
I love my little family! 


  1. Loving the photos!!!! The newest one is CUTE!!!

  2. I think that's one of the best parts of family pictures with kids...the lack of cooperation is for sure frustrating, but in five years (or maybe already) that will be a classic! I already love it...Fox's face is cracking me up. And I love Jane's pig tails!!

    P.S. I feel like Dan and Chris should be best friends--Dan hates the beach to his core too!!!

  3. I love all the pics. Fox, in the last one, looks like he's thinking, "Redrum!"

  4. Is that third "kids" at the end telling us something ;)

  5. Love looking back through the years! Such a fun post!

  6. I love all of these pictures!! I love the real life of your latest. :)

  7. Those are some beautiful family photos. You make me feel like I should start springing for some, it would be worth the investment. And you look really beautiful in that green dress.


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