The One with Is It Friday Yet?

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Woke up at 5:15 to exercise, took Chris to work, took Fox to school, worked while Jane slept, played with Jane, picked up Fox, made some lunch, kids napped, I worked, T-Mobile came by to set up our phone, IKEA came by to exchange our broken furniture, neighbor girl came by to learn how to do the pets for us this weekend, picked Chris up, went to the car place and put a $100 hold on a car and it's being shipped here from somewhere else in Germany, went to the post office to ship a pacifier clip and a nursing cover to my aunt, came home, ate dinner, now I'm blogging, then it's bathtime, play time, bedtime for the kids, then Breaking Bad time! 
 photo DSC_2197.jpg
Is it Friday yet?


  1. Oh no, don't tell me your family got you into Breaking Bad too!!

  2. WORD. I figured out why I've gotten so much stuff done today. The girls had a snow day so I haven't been in my car two hours. Crazy! ;)

    BTW - Jane looks like she has so much hair in that photo! Cute girl.

  3. *phew* I am tired just reading that!!!!

  4. We started breaking bad this week...adrenaline rush!

  5. Such a busy day!! I have been at work all day and it was flat out today, dont felt like I had time to stop at all. But after our 2 year old goes to bed it will be Breaking Bad time for my husband and myself too!! LOOOOOOVE BB!!


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