The One with the Random Sunday Photoshoot

Monday, January 13, 2014

Let's be completely honest here - most days I don't change out of scrubs because I don't leave the house. But on Sundays we all get washed, cleaned, and dressed in our Sunday best - perfect opportunities for taking pictures! And I'm needing lots more pictures to scrap lately what with all my assignments due soon. Yesterday was a particularly beautiful morning for this time of year and as we were driving to church we passed a big open field and I yelled, "Stooooop! Let's take some pictures!" 
Chris, the good guy that he is, obliged and took on the roll of photographer for the following pics of me and the kiddos. 
So lucky to call these kids mine! I mean, ours :)


  1. I love Jane's face in the first one. And then the one where they are both squinting because the sun is right in their eyes is funny. Love you three!

  2. Jane is beyond adorable in that first photo!!! ;)

  3. Wishe we left for church with enough time to take photos...hahaha. It's always a rush for us to get up and out.

  4. Great photo shoot! Priceless pictures of you and those precious kiddos of "yours".

  5. Always love a good impromptu photo shoot! And it is a bonus when you're already dressed up! And at least you make it into scrubs...most days it just pajamas for us!! HA!


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