The One with the First Fashion Fight

Monday, June 9, 2014

Forgive me if you follow me on instagram (@paigetaylorevans) and have already seen this, but it must be thoroughly documented!

 While Jane has already shown tendencies towards loving one pair of shoes in particular, usually I just take them out of her hands and proceed putting on a pair I feel goes with her outfit more and all is well.

But yesterday morning was different!

I got her dressed, then she wanted to wear my necklace so I took it off my neck and wrapped it around hers. She proceeded to dance around and exclaim, "I pretty!" Yes you are Jane :) Then I told her to go pick some shoes, trying to give her some options in her little almost-two-years-old life, and she chose the same pair of pink shoes she wears almost every day! NO! THEY DON'T MATCH! (I actually don't care THAT much, but I would have preferred sandals). When I tried to take them out of her hands she had the biggest hissy fit she's thrown yet! WHOA! Where did that come from? Little miss independent, strong-willed, stubborn Janey painey!
In the end I decided it's not a big deal, she can wear her pink shoes. They actually don't look so bad :)
I'm guessing this won't be our last fashion fight! 


  1. Too funny!! It is just the beginning. LOL Wait til she is a teen. ;) She is such a doll too! Hopped over to your instagram page (I don't have an acct). Love seeing your photos!! I am living vicariously through you and Steph with your European travels. :) May is awesome. LOL (Mother's Day + our wedding anniversary (5/20) + my birthday (5/30) ). I kind of get jipped. LOL Greg has never been one to really do much for each individual thing. If it weren't for the kids... ;) My oldest, who just turned 26, bought me a really nice card, cake and a gift card for Maurices. :)

  2. I had fashion fights with all of you. Allison was the worst, though, and I made a pin for her to wear that said, "My mommy lets me dress myself" as a disclaimer to the world that I was aware of her horrendous fashion sense. In the end, I regret that I made such a big deal out of it. And Allie's personal style is awesome.

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  4. My brothers used to get so embarrassed of my outfit choices that I wore to school that they would pretend to be sick so they could call my mom at work from the health room to complain. Girls always win ;)

  5. Oh the "joy" of dressing girls. :) She does look adorable, though!!

  6. I kinda like the tenny-runners with the dress. :) Just wait until she stops letting you do her hair and wants nothing to do with dresses or anything girly and is all about black leggings and boy shirts. Ev just wants to look "cool"--which in her 4 year old mind means dressing like a boy. Her entire 3rd year she spent practically living in Buzz and Woody attire. Maybe you'll have better luck. ;)

  7. My 3.5 year old insists on wearing her sandals every day at the moment, which would be fine except for the fact that it's winter in NZ and raining cats and dogs!

  8. Listen, I thought that by having a boy I'd avoid this very same thing, but everyday, I have to ask Edward what he wants to wear. He picks EVERYTHING out because nothing I put him in is good enough. It's so frustrating. So some days when he gets to school... I get the look, but I don't care because he's happy... lol. Happy kid, happy mommy.

  9. This post is my life! I've just decided to choose my battles. I already have looked back on some of those wardrobe choices and laughed. It's a right of passage to choose your own clothes, right? Just didn't think we would be hitting it this early!

  10. What a fantastic post!!! I am so jealous, those pictures of Europe are fabulous and I could only be so lucky to go one day! YOur kids are adorable, fun fun!!!


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