The One with Anyone Been to Kraków, Poland?

Friday, August 8, 2014

We're on our way to this magnificent city! Anyone ever been to Kraków, Poland before? Anything we absolutely can't miss? Good places to eat? Scrapbooking stores to visit perhaps?? :)


  1. Krakov is a great city, there's the old Jewish quarter, and s big square with amazing covered market. Lovely amber gifts. Auschwitz too, of course. It's a bus ride away. The Polish name is Ozwiezcim

  2. ...and the Castle Wawel and the University, which was founded in the mid-1300's. Beneath the Main Square they have a museum about the history of Kraków.

    Magda Mizera ( can probably help you out, as well -as she lives in Kraków. ;)

  3. I have never been but my hubby is Polish and I hope to one day be able to travel there with him. Have fun and can't wait to see your adventures!

  4. How fun!!! Can't wait to see the pics!!!!!

  5. Been there too, it's such a lovely city! My favourite was the jewish quarter, i was touched by the little museum with photos and stories of people.. and oswiencim/auschwitz, of course. So sad but a must see! And yes, Magda Mizera could definitely help :) have fun!

  6. A few hours later and you could be visiting my favorite place in that region which is Zakopane -with its gorgeous Tatra Moutains.Hope kids liked fire breathing Dragon under the Wawel castle:)


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