The One with Robin Williams

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Robin Williams is in SO MANY of my favorite movies. Granted, I have like a hundred favorite movies, but he is in so many movies that I can watch over and over and over and over again. That is the definition of "my favorite." I am so sad that he is gone. Depression sucks. I wish we could turn back time and get him the help he deserved and needed. 

As I sit and type this Jane is on my lap and watching Aladdin. I, too, grew up watching Aladdin and loving the Genie and all his silly voices. 
Another favorite childhood movie? HOOK. I think my brother and I could quote the entire movie from beginning to end, even now. I watched this recently after not watching it for years and find it so much more applicable now that I have children. (I want I want I want me me me me mine mine mine mine now now now now!) 
Eric and I also watched Jumanji on repeat growing up. Classic.
A movie that I didn't watch until a couple years ago but now I've seen it a dozen times - Good Will Hunting. Such a feel-good movie! I love it so much. 
 We don't own Dead Poet's Society, but I have seen it and it's oh so powerful. I love a good "good teacher" movie.
  The music in August Rush is top notch. So is the acting and all around feeling I'm left with.
 Mrs. Doubtfire? Can't be beat. 
 And smaller roles like Teddy Roosevelt in Night at the Museum.
 Patch Adams.
 I'm so sad about his tragic ending, but so happy to have all these wonderful movies and memories of Robin Williams.


  1. Love him!! It still hasn't hit me that he is gone.

  2. What a wonderful post. I agree, he was such a wonderful actor and comedian. I could watch his movies over and over too!

  3. Hard to believe that he is gone...someone who gave so much of himself to others had nothing left over for himself. Tragic. Thank you for the wonderful post.

  4. So so so sad ... Mr. Williams will be missed ....

  5. I still have a hard time believing that we won't see his wonderful acting in another movie. It's so sad. I hate that he isn't here now to see just how much he was loved and respected throughout the world.

  6. Beautiful tribute! I love him and he will be missed!!


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