The One with the Operation Get Fit Update 10.10.14

Friday, October 10, 2014

13.5 weeks ago I decided to do something about my life. 
I was unhappy, unhealthy, unfit. 
6 weeks into my change of lifestyle I posted about Operation Get Fit (Again. And Again. And Again.) 
Now, 7.5 weeks later, I finally SEE a difference after doing my first then/now photo comparison. 
I never posted these solo photos of me from Switzerland back in June. I was too embarrassed! And yes I realize I was wearing a baggy shirt and pants, but I was just trying to hide my body.

Today - I am down two pants sizes and about 10 pounds. 
I'm not taking official measurements and I don't know how heavy I was when I started. It's all about feeling better and fitting back into my old pants so I don't have to keep buying bigger pants!

I no longer need an afternoon nap. 
My skin is still clear. 
I have more energy. 
Last week a friend of mine came over and she was the very first person to ask, "Have you lost weight?" Why yes! Yes I have! Thank you for noticing, you made my day/week/month/year!"
Then just a couple days ago I was in the grocery store, saw a friend, and she asked, "Have you melted?!" Makes me all warm and fuzzy inside :) Progress!!
What am I doing differently than before? I exercise 6 days a week - usually a Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred workout or a Jillian Michaels Killer Abs session. Cuz my muffin top is still there (I'm sucking it in in the photos haha). Gaaaahhhh! I won't quit til it's gone. And even if/when it's ever gone, I still plan to stay healthy and exercise. 

How do I make time for exercising? Cuz it really feels like there aren't enough hours in the day to begin with!! My plan of attack is: wake up before anyone else, usually around 5:15am, and exercise first thing to get it out of the way and then I can focus on other things the rest of the day. 

What else? I eat better. Oatmeal for breakfast, a turkey sandwich for lunch, a frozen Weight Watchers entree for dinner, fruit for snacks between, etc. Yes I have off days. Sunday is my "cheat" day - I know those aren't good, but I've just gotta eat cookies man!

My goals are to replace the muffin top with abs and get back down to pre-kids weight. Or at least post-Fox weight. I'm getting there! Slowly but surely!


  1. Good for you!!! You look AMAZING!!!!!!!!!

  2. Congratulations! The only way I can ever exercise is to wake up really early, too.

  3. Looking great! I need to do this.

  4. You look amazing!! You're doing awesome! (and inspiring me to do better!)

  5. Good for you. I think you look stunning after 10 pounds. Glad you are doing it the healthy way and it is good to have a cheat day.
    I am on the journey myself. I can't stand to look at myself in the mirror-clothes or not. My problem is boredom eating or maybe not boredom but more I don't want to do something so instead I will eat crappy foods. It has helped that I took over the grocery shopping and hubby wants to lose 10 too. Thank you for inspiring me.

  6. way to go!!!!! all that hard work is paying off!!! I'm doing the same... that muffin top is the hardest thing to lose, and after 3 kids I'm hoping I can!!

  7. Congratulations! It's not an easy thing to do!

  8. You are looking great! You should be really proud of yourself. I am on day 68 of doing P90x3. I do it in the morning before showering and going to work. I haven't lost weight but have gained muscles, lost some fat
    , and my clothes fit better.

  9. Ohmigosh, Girl! You look amazing! I am SOOOO proud of you!!!! And you totally need a cheat day!!! So proud of you. :)

  10. You look really good both ways. But I know you feel better thinner. And it's always better to be healthier. Gongrats and keep up the good work.

  11. You look awesome Paige!! With all moms go through, I think we should get complimentary lipo after our last baby, to help us with that stubborn baby weight!! HA!

  12. You do look awesome!! Congrats!! Working out 6 days a week is hard!! And I don't even do that. :) keep at it!!

  13. Wow paige, skinny mini!!!! You go girl!!!

  14. You look AWESOME Paige!! Congrats!! I'm right there with you, but my before shots look like I ate you for breakfast! ;) lol

  15. I have always thought you were gorgeous! But I am so proud of you and impressed with your willpower and drive!

  16. You look great, Paige! Do you cook dinner for the rest of the fam and eat a WW meal!? That's willpower!

  17. Thanks for sharing. This is great motivation. I am totally fat.. again. Like, really overweight. and I HAVE to do something about it!!

  18. I also meant to say good job and you look fantastic!


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