Lots of Studio Calico posts lately, you're welcome :) But really, honestly, and truly, they've got awesome news left and right I just have to share! Did you hear they're teaming up with the dynamic duo - Elsie and Emma of A Beautiful Mess - to create a new line of supplies? I can barely stand the wait until a reveal!
And, Studio Calico just announced a new class taught by the amazing, fabulous, wonderful, I-want-to-be-her-when-I-grow-up, Ashley Goldberg. It's called Paint.Plan.Play. Even the name sounds fun!

Class info: We've all experienced it – the frustration of sitting in front of a blank page for hours and still coming up empty. Well, we've got the remedy: cutting-edge artist Ashley Goldberg. Ashley’s come wielding her brush and paints to invite you into Paint.Plan.Play, an “art” class designed for scrapbookers. Grab the paints and brushes you've been collecting and let Ashley help you tap into the creativity you've got hiding inside yourself. During the first half of Paint.Plan.Play, you’ll explore core painting techniques Ashley uses every day, then you will transition into putting those new skills to use in several projects. With Ashley’s expert guidance, you will learn how to take control of color, pattern, and text by using paint, collage, and various other mediums to add allure to all your paper crafting projects – from personally designed journal layouts to Project Life spreads.

Exclusive Ashley washi tape - gimme gimme!
Gold paint splatter rub ons? Um, yes please. Make a masterpiece without the mess!
Rockin' wood veneers.
Paint.Plan.Play will begin on November 1st 2014 - hope to see you in the classroom!
Ohhhhhhhh will have to check this out!