The One with Santa 2014

Monday, December 15, 2014

We've been going to see Santa ever since Fox was born and it's such a fun yearly tradition. Let's go through the years shall we?

2010 - Fox was 6 weeks old and was in the hospital with RSV :*( So he was one of those sad charity cases where elves came around with presents. We still have the two toys he got in the hospital that Christmas season (I'm holding the Pillow Pet in the photo below) and it always brings back those sad memories. But ANYWAY! Here's Fox meeting Santa 2010. He's fast asleep and dreaming of sugar plum fairies or however that poem goes.

2011 - Fox meeting Santa at the University Mall in Provo, Utah while we were there over Thanksgiving break. He's a happy camper - no stranger danger here!

2012 - Jane's in the mix! Sitting on Santa's lap at the Santa Anita Mall in Santa Anita California. Fox - happy camper. Jane - unsure about the whole situation.

2013 - Visiting Santa at the PX in Grafenwöhr, Germany. Fox - unsure about the whole situation. Jane - get me off of this strange guy's lap! Classic.

2014 - same Santa as 2013! Sitting on Santa's lap at the Grafenwöhr USO in Germany. Both Fox and Jane are unsure about the whole situation. 
Love this yearly tradition!


  1. Jane and Fox are both fantastic, but Fox has funny funny face!!!!!

  2. Love the unsure faces!!
    We have a tradition of going to Harrods to see Santa! I have 19 pictures of my oldest & then the other 3 have just joined in along the way. We have everything from happy to full on screaming with tears!! It's a lovely memory to have and show them as they grow up! X

  3. Love Fox's 2014 face!! Sp hilarious!

  4. Love Fox's eyebrows!

  5. Oh my, your kids are so adorable!! Love the photos! We never met santa here... it's not a german thing i guess... but i can remember that i met him 1988 or so!
    Sending big hugs your way!

  6. Gosh I love that 2013 photo and your kids faces! So adorable :)

  7. These are awesome photos. That first year with Fox in the hospital was super sad. That poor little guy was so sick!

    I love seeing the progression and growth throughout the years! Cool recap


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