The One with the 7 Years of Blogging!

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Another day to celebrate!
Today I've been blogging, almost daily, for 7 YEARS! I can't believe it! Time flies when you're having fun.
Blogging is definitely not what it used to be, it seems people hardly do it anymore, comments and views have gone waaay down, BUT, that's not what matters! I still love taking photos and sharing our memories and looking back at old posts. I love instagram for single moments, but here I can really share the details and as many photos as I want :) It's our little slice of life! Thanks for your readership! I have no plans to stop anytime soon cuz I love it so. Here's to another 7 years and beyond!


  1. Ich gratuliere Dir von Herzen ♥

  2. Blog readership may be down, but I just had to jump on and leave a comment for the first time to let you know how much I value and enjoy reading your posts!! Not only do I love your scrapping style and learn so much from you, I also wait for your posts about all the places you travel to as I'm a wanderer at heart and you help quiet the restless spirit I have. Please continue to post and know that I may be a quiet reader but I'm here everyday and am taking your classes and smiling a little more because of your blog. Thankyou for sharing your life it has enriched mine. Kelly

  3. ditto to kelly's sentiments.
    i truly enjoy reading your posts and looking at your beautiful photos. thank you for sharing snippets of your life with us! :)

  4. Blogs are becoming a thing of the past and that makes me sad!! I am hoping when scrapping and crafting overall jumps up again, blogging will come back in full force! :)

  5. Woo hoo! Congrats! I love the blog, too! Especially our travel posts and posts about the kids. It is our family journel! Plus, you get to document all your amazing creations!

  6. I look for your blog every day! I love your posts! Your pages are so inspiring, I love getting a glimpse of the world through your travels, and our kids are around the same age (plus our girls have the same name).

  7. Congratulations on 7 years! That is dedication.....thank you so very much for continuing blogging despite the downturn. You are so inspiring both with your travel journals and sharing your amazing talent with paper. Thank you, thank you, thank you! This is one gal who appreciates all you do (and I know I'm not alone).


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