The One with the X-Files Returning

Thursday, June 4, 2015

FYI, I'm super stoked the X-Files is returning. 
Me and X-Files go waaaaay back. We used to watch them together, as a family (don't judge) on Sunday evenings :) When TV shows first came out on DVD (don't quote me on this, but I swear I read somewhere that X-Files was the very first show to be put on DVD) I stayed up 'til like 3am bidding on the complete set on ebay when I was a freshman in college. I think I paid like $500 for all 9 seasons. Such a rip off haha! But back then it was a decent price!

Fox Mulder. I loved that name so much that ever since I was like 10 I dreamed of having a son named Fox some day. Dreams do come true! So glad Chris was on board with that name.

I have an app on my phone called QuizUp - it's just trivia of a billion topics (including X-Files) and you play other people. Whenever I have a spare second I play and I usually win haha. I'm such a nerd!

I think both of the X-Files movies stunk so I don't really have high hopes for this 6 episode mini series, haha, BUT, even with that said, you can bet I'll be counting down the days until X-Files airs again!


  1. I saw one of the movies with a die-hard fan that was a friend of mine at the time -- and I was like, yeahhhh... I could get into this!! So I started watching from then on!! I loved that show!!!!!

  2. I totally remember you having those DVDs :)

  3. Yes, I'm guilty as charged too! We watched all 9 seasons, saw the movie and looking forward to the new show. I'll have to Google it to see if the Gillian, Duchovney and Smoking Man are in it again. Thank you for this post!

  4. Yes, I'm guilty as charged too! We watched all 9 seasons, saw the movie and looking forward to the new show. I'll have to Google it to see if the Gillian, Duchovney and Smoking Man are in it again. Thank you for this post!

  5. Yes, I'm guilty as charged too! We watched all 9 seasons, saw the movie and looking forward to the new show. I'll have to Google it to see if the Gillian, Duchovney and Smoking Man are in it again. Thank you for this post!

  6. I haven't gotten around to watching it. I remember watching part of an episode when I was younger and got really scared. I should try watching it again.. Maybe I'll like it and not think it's so scary. :)


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