October is tied with May and December as my favorite month of the year. Gosh dern I love Halloween and all things spooky! This October was one to remember. So many fun things! I LOOOOOVED turning last year's October photos into a mini album and I want to do the same this year. So, here are the photos that will eventually be making their way into said album:
The closest legit pumpkin patch is an hour away so when the commissary got their first batch of pumpkins, I was ecstatic and made the kids pose.

I also made lots and lots of crafty things this month including a class for Big Picture Classes called Spooktacular Projects.

Nightly ritual: popcorn and a show. Featuring the quilt my friend Lindsey made for Fox last year.
My mom made our costumes for us when we were kids but I can't sew a lick. I wanted Jane's costume to have that "homemade" feel so I searched etsy and found the perfect "so-ugly-it's-cute" witch dress! Love the clashing patterns and colors.
Pumpkin festival in Ludwigsburg.
I can't even!
Sculptures made of pumpkins!
I so totally love that gray pumpkin. So eerie!

Best. Ride. Ever. The Haunted Mansion (technically here it's the Haunted Manor, but, tomatoes, tomahtoes).
I bought a pair of cat-eye contacts at the PX and wore them to Fox's birthday party. Creepy right?!

Halloween Polish pottery - I love bringing these out every October!
There were about 10 kids who showed up and played for his birthday.
Eating pizza and cookies.
Strike a silly pose!
Every time we say Rachel's name she replies with a "meow". Caught her "talking" to us.
I love my Rachel.

We had a chili cook off at the church last night. Jane ate some chips.
Love all these people and their clever costumes!
At last the big day arrived - today - HALLOWEEN!
The houses in our neighborhood are so close together, it's perfect for trick-or-treating.

"Do we HAVE to go trick-or-treating?" (Actually, they didn't say that, they were so excited and kept asking if it was time to go allllllll daaaaaay loooooong.)
We bought probably $70 worth of candy. It was gone within an hour, I kid you not. That equals probably a thousand trick-or-treaters. German kids from all around come to this neighborhood to trick-or-treat and I don't blame them - free candy? I'm so there. Chris passed out the candy and didn't even bother closing the door, it would be ringing non-stop if he did. Instead he just stood outside and passed out candy. He's also a big fat meanie and told teenagers who weren't even dressed up to go away! Oh Chris.
Fox and Jane and their loot. I love how Fox started organizing his into piles - like mother like son!
Only 365 more days until next Halloween!
Love all these people and their clever costumes!
At last the big day arrived - today - HALLOWEEN!
The houses in our neighborhood are so close together, it's perfect for trick-or-treating.

"Do we HAVE to go trick-or-treating?" (Actually, they didn't say that, they were so excited and kept asking if it was time to go allllllll daaaaaay loooooong.)
We bought probably $70 worth of candy. It was gone within an hour, I kid you not. That equals probably a thousand trick-or-treaters. German kids from all around come to this neighborhood to trick-or-treat and I don't blame them - free candy? I'm so there. Chris passed out the candy and didn't even bother closing the door, it would be ringing non-stop if he did. Instead he just stood outside and passed out candy. He's also a big fat meanie and told teenagers who weren't even dressed up to go away! Oh Chris.
Fox and Jane and their loot. I love how Fox started organizing his into piles - like mother like son!
Only 365 more days until next Halloween!