The One with October 2015

Saturday, October 31, 2015

October is tied with May and December as my favorite month of the year. Gosh dern I love Halloween and all things spooky! This October was one to remember. So many fun things! I LOOOOOVED turning last year's October photos into a mini album and I want to do the same this year. So, here are the photos that will eventually be making their way into said album:

The closest legit pumpkin patch is an hour away so when the commissary got their first batch of pumpkins, I was ecstatic and made the kids pose.
Grandma sent new Halloween jammies!
The owner of that pumpkin patch an hour away brings a truck full of pumpkins to our neighborhood and sells them for a few euros each. Sold!

Not exactly Halloween related, but too cute to spook, Jane eating her "chips'n'dip-dip" from Taco Bell in the food court one afternoon in October while Fox was at school.
On Fox's 5th birthday I took sugar cookies into his class and we frosted then sprinkled them. It was a big hit.
Some seriously awesome masks for sale at a vendor in the PX.
On October 15th, the day after Fox's birthday, Zoe was born! My first Taylor niece! Yay!
All ready to go trick-or-treating. Relax kids, we still have weeks to go!
I also made lots and lots of crafty things this month including a class for Big Picture Classes called Spooktacular Projects.
I whipped up a Halloween book to giveaway on instagram - congrats to Kelly Goree on winning!
Halloween layouts out the wazoo!
Halloween cards - I mailed one of these to my Grandpa to say thank you for the Halloween cards he sent us and gave one to the next door neighbor along with some dinero as a thanks for taking care of fat cat Rachel while we were gone.
I looooooove the garlands my mom makes - perfect for every season and every occasion!
Nightly ritual: popcorn and a show. Featuring the quilt my friend Lindsey made for Fox last year.
My mom made our costumes for us when we were kids but I can't sew a lick. I wanted Jane's costume to have that "homemade" feel so I searched etsy and found the perfect "so-ugly-it's-cute" witch dress! Love the clashing patterns and colors. 
I've shared some of these before, but they're so good for October. The changing colored leaves are epic.
Pumpkin festival in Ludwigsburg.
I can't even!
Sculptures made of pumpkins!
All the varieties of pumpkins and where they came from.
I so totally love that gray pumpkin. So eerie!
We took a trip to Disneyland Paris and oogled over all the Halloween decorations.
Photos ops e'ry'wur!

We waited a whole hour to meet this guy! Worth every second. Afterall, he is the Pumpkin King!
Best. Ride. Ever. The Haunted Mansion (technically here it's the Haunted Manor, but, tomatoes, tomahtoes).
I bought a pair of cat-eye contacts at the PX and wore them to Fox's birthday party. Creepy right?!
We had a small party for Fox for his 5th birthday.
I think this was the third batch of Halloween cupcakes I made in October.
Halloween Polish pottery - I love bringing these out every October!
The candy corn banner I made with the kids last year goes in the kitchen window.
Sugar cookies ready to be frosted and sprinkled. I love how small kids have no idea how to properly sprinkle on sprinkles and end up dumping the entire container on their cookie.
I made the trashbag drapes right before giving birth to Fox - they've held up well these past 5 years! And the headstones are from his 1st birthday party. I'll use those forever!
There were about 10 kids who showed up and played for his birthday.
Eating pizza and cookies.
Strike a silly pose!
Every time we say Rachel's name she replies with a "meow". Caught her "talking" to us.
I love my Rachel.

Apparently this blanket is really comfy!
We had a chili cook off at the church last night. Jane ate some chips.
 Love all these people and their clever costumes!
At last the big day arrived - today - HALLOWEEN!
 The houses in our neighborhood are so close together, it's perfect for trick-or-treating.

"Do we HAVE to go trick-or-treating?" (Actually, they didn't say that, they were so excited and kept asking if it was time to go allllllll daaaaaay loooooong.)
 We bought probably $70 worth of candy. It was gone within an hour, I kid you not. That equals probably a thousand trick-or-treaters. German kids from all around come to this neighborhood to trick-or-treat and I don't blame them - free candy? I'm so there. Chris passed out the candy and didn't even bother closing the door, it would be ringing non-stop if he did. Instead he just stood outside and passed out candy. He's also a big fat meanie and told teenagers who weren't even dressed up to go away! Oh Chris.
Fox and Jane and their loot. I love how Fox started organizing his into piles - like mother like son!
Only 365 more days until next Halloween!


  1. oh paige! I love every single picture. I love your little family and I wish I was there WITH you!! I died when I saw Fox organizing his candy haha.

    p.s. I need to visit you just so we can take another day trip to poland and buy Halloween pottery.

    Happy Halloween!!

  2. What a fun October you have had! Love the dress you got for Jane (I wonder if I could get it in my size, LOL)! Rachel IS certainly a FAT CAT - but ours would give her a bit of competition. Hope your November is just as much fun.

  3. Ohhhhhhhh loving all your Oct. pics!!!! They look ADORABLE in their costumes! LOVING that witch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. So much fun! Love their costumes! Love those cat eyes!

    You guys got a TON of people! We had maybe 3 groups of kids come! We are pretty bummed about it!

  5. ah--October gone so soon! the pumpkin sculptures are IMPRESSIVE--Jane's dress is ADORABLE--thanks for sharing October!

  6. What a fun post! It sure was a great month


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