Insta-Lately November 18th Edition

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

I take a lot of pictures - on my phone, with my camera, whatever can capture the moment! Many of them make it onto my instagram, but most do not. I love doing these "insta-lately" posts to document our goings-on for the past while. 

Never in a million years did I think I'd have a daughter with dark blond hair and blue eyes!
Eschenbach in der Oberfalz. I love my town.
Joey is all better now.
He's totally smiling here!
Soaking in the warm summer sunshine.
I've shared this many times before, but what can I say! One of my favorite homemade pieces.
Clothes shopping in Germany is a no-go most of the time so I've been doing most of my shopping online at Adornit!
So true!
That time I got strep throat twice in a month. So thankful for medicine!
Tracking our travels.
Posted this on national dog day. It's not Joey, but all Shibas look the same :)
I think this was from Stockholm, but don't hold me to that!
The eternal Christmas store on post: Käthe Wohlfahrt! Spirits are lifted the instant you walk inside.
Snippet of our life.
Råskog cart filled with fun things within arm's reach.
Bookbinding class behind-the-scenes shot.
Oh how I love an open book!
Pretty much an ad for our couch, but I just want to sit and read 99% of the time!
Last Monday morning it was really dark outside, but then there was a bit of sunshine, and I thought there had to be a rainbow and sure enough we walked outside and TA DA! Bravo bravo, good show, good show!
They put themselves like this! It's so rare it has to be documented every time.
Rachel is my cuddle snuggle buddy. She's the best cat in the whole wide world.

Epic houses in Gelnhausen.
At a photoshoot with my girlies!
It was sunny yesterday so after I went to OBI (like unto Home Depot) I drove just a little bit further and finally took a photo of the town of Pressath that I've been wanting to do for years. Check!
I had my family send me this Harbor Freight spinner tray (cuz they don't ship to APO addresses) and then spray painted it gold. Can't wait to fill it up with scrappy supplies!
A little alley in Weiden. I love the gentle curve, the colors, the ivy... I could go on and on.
Christmas at IKEA!
I went with a friend to IKEA this morning and once again wished I hadn't changed all my boxes to white. I'll have to start collecting one or two new colorful boxes every time I go to achieve this happy look once again.
Currently working on a project for Kerri Bradford Studio!

That's about all for now!


  1. Loving all the photos! That first one of Jane is AMAZING!! And those IKEA buckets/baskets on the last shot?? I have the pink ones up in the upper left hand corner .. and Brookie has the purple ones in the same style! :)

  2. I love all the pics! Thanks for sharing.

  3. What a fabulous post! I love seeing all the peeks into your sweet world. :)

  4. i like everything in this post. Rachel and Joey crack me up!

  5. I'm sorry I'm so late to these parties. But I so love all these pics!!!

  6. I'm sorry I'm so late to these parties. But I so love all these pics!!!


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