Family Photos 2015

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Every year I like to get our family pictures taken and use one for our Christmas card and then I turn one into a canvas for our wall. This year we hired the talented Shannon Chad of What the Focus Photography!

Wanna know a secret? It wasn't even snowing but Shannon has wicked amazing editing skillz! And, I've decided this will be our Christmas card :)
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Foooooox. He's such a cute and silly and handsome and fun kid.
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These two. Don't they look like they're up to no good? Welcome to my life :)
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Jane, doing her own silly thing. These kids have a LOT of personality!
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December 5th 2015
Weiden, Germany
Fox (5), Chris (30), Paige (30), Jane (3.5)
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 Now I gotta print them, design our Christmas card, address them, stamp them, & mail them!


  1. These are WONDERFUL! I love that it really wasn't snowing in the pic you chose for your card, yet Jane is sticking her tongue out like she is capturing flakes on her tongue! HA! I love that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. These really turned out great! I love the same thing as Julie, that it looks like Jane wants to catch some snowflakes :)

  3. You guys look great! Your hair is on point :) Love this.

  4. Don't put any paperclips in them this year! Cute photos!!!

  5. Such great picture! Soooo much personallity!!

  6. These are fun photos! I really like her style


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