Exciting things are happening and in the works!
On Friday September 23rd from 5-8pm and Saturday September 24th from 10am-2pm I'll be teaching how to make 3 layouts (Friday night!) and a mini album (Saturday morning!) in Valencia Spain at La Sonrisa Creativa Scrap & Crafts! Then the next day, Sunday September 25th, I'll be teaching the same mini album workshop in Reus Spain at Marakiscrap! Olé!
Each class is €70 or if you take both in Valencia it's €125 combined. Sneaks of the projects coming this summer using my next Pink Paislee collection (sneaks of that coming soon too, yaaay!!!)!
For more information and to sign up for the classes on the 23rd and 24th of September in Valencia, please email: info@lasonrisacreativa.es.
For more information and to sign up for the class on the 25th of September in Reus, please email: info@marakiscrap.com.
Hope to see you there!
Also an update about my workshop at Scrobby in The Netherlands - the first class filled up so I'll be teaching a second layout and Project Life® workshop on Sunday July 10th 2016 from 10am-4pm! The layouts and Project Life® spreads will be unique to each class (meaning the supplies and projects will be different!) so make sure to come on both days! Each class is €59.95 and I believe there is a discount if you take both classes! Sneaks coming very soon using a fun combination of Fancy Free and other kits!
For more details and to register visit Scrobby.nl or click on the button below:
On Saturday October 2nd 2016 I will be teaching a layout workshop at Cathleen Kick's store in Berlin, Germany! The price is €79 for four layouts using my new Pink Paislee collection! Sneaks of the layouts coming this summer!
For more details and to register visit cathleenkick.de or click on the button below:

Hope to see you there!!!
For more details and to register visit cathleenkick.de or click on the button below:

Hope to see you there!!!
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