"You Never Know Who You Are Inspiring" Stitched Art

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

In between projects I found some free time to create a piece of stitched art to frame and hang in my future designated craft room (some day, right?!?)
 photo Inspiring by Paige Evans.jpg
The quote says: You never know who you are inspiring. Whether it's through crafts, your blog, your actions, your words... you truly never know!
 photo Inspiring Detail 2 by Paige Evans.jpg
I thought about turning it into a layout, but then it would get put away into an album only to be looked at occasionally. Putting it in a frame and hanging it on the wall means I get to stare at it f-o-r-e-v-e-r.
 photo Inspiring Detail 4 by Paige Evans.jpg
Not gonna lie, this was haaaard and tested my patience like what. I should have added a border to the words to thicken them up a bit because stitching around the teeny parts was maddening and I lost track of how many times I almost gave up and tossed it in the garbage. But I'm glad I stuck with it - just don't look too carefully ;)
 photo Inspiring Detail 1 by Paige Evans.jpg
I've already started my next stitching project... What can I say, it's addicting!


  1. I know you inspire me daily!! This is GORGEOUS! I loveeeeeeeee it! And loving that you are framing it for all to see!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. I love this! I have regular clipboards hanging in my home that I clip finishes layouts onto so I can enjoy them before storing them in my album. I'm going to create a version of this to hang in my kitchen so I see it daily. Thank you for the inspiration.

  3. Love this art piece. It is wonderful


Paige Taylor Evans © 2025 // Quinn Creatives DESIGN