Christmas Coptic Book

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

I made a Christmas coptic bound book!
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Here are all the bits I picked out from my Christmas and embellishment stash before I sewed them into the binding. Only a few of these things (like the "joyful" wood veneer, one of the pink buttons, and a couple sequins) didn't make the cut. So yeah, I crammed a whole lotta bling onto this spine!
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Awhile ago I asked my dad to cut me some wooden boards - a bunch of 4x6" and 5x7". They were tearing out the wooden floors at the church building so my dad took some of that and made them into wood boards! So that's the story of where the wood came from.
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I was just going to paint red and white stripes on the covers, but then Chris had the genius idea to paint even smaller red lines to resemble a candy cane! Perfect! I painted the boards all white first and then used tons of washi tape to make the stripes.
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I used green thread to sew the book together so it's got the full range of Christmas colors.
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I drilled three sets of three holes through the covers - the more holes the more stable the book will be!
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The inside papers are from a million different Christmas collections through the years. Most of the papers on the outside signatures (groups of paper) are from the BasicGrey Juniper Berry collection.
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When opened the book lays flat so you can write in it super easily.
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Detail shots.
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One of my favorite parts is the SOUND it makes! I added jingle bells so it even sounds Christmasy!
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Check out the short video of this book in hand:
I had every intention of giving it away, but ahhhh I just can't! I love it too much :) I'm going use it for my December Daily 2017! BUT! I will make another book later this week to give away, cross my heart! So, I'll be back soon with that!

Oh, and also, a little plug here! If you're interested in learning how to make these kinds of books as well as bookbinding kits, check out my etsy shop!


  1. Looks adorable and
    love the goodies
    in the binding.
    Merry Christmas.
    Carla from Utah

  2. This is so cute and Christmas-y! I love the red stripes and jingle bells :)


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