I got invited back to teach a weekend of classes in Birmingham by the wonderful ladies at Birds of a Feather, so we decided to make a vacation out of it and the whole family came along! It was gorgeous weather as we flew out of Munich. Lufthansa is my favorite airline. Just sayin'.
Auf wiedersehen Deutschland! Hello England!
Jane was my seat mate. She is something! This is the first time the pressure changes really got to her and she was so upset about her ears :( Note to self: bring lollipops next time!

Avis hooked us up with an upgrade to this super nice Audi wagon complete with "Satnav" :) :) :) I had a hard time saying goodbye to the plush heated leather seats, automatic rain detector, helpful backing up signals, etc., when we returned the car at the end. Chris adjusted to driving on the right side effortlessly.
After a good night's sleep at the hotel, we woke up bright and early and headed out to explore Birmingham. First stop? Breakfast! Fox and I played a full game of "dots". I don't know what it's really called...
I spy Birmingham off to the left.

A legit mall! It's been ages since we've been in a real mall!

Red brick and ivy = a favorite combination.
DJ Jane in the hizzouse!
On Saturday as I taught, Chris loaded up the kids and drove back downtown to do some more 'splorin'. They cut through the International Convention Center with its neat ceiling.
The hip area down by the aquarium complete with 19th century wharf style buildings and canals.

More snippets from the day.

There was construction all through the heart of the city. Chamberlain Square was completely inaccessible to foot traffic, but it was visible from observatory windows in the library.

They went back to the Bullring Shopping Center and Jane got to make her first Build-A-Bear! She was a pro at helping stuff the T-rex she picked out.

One night for dinner we went to a strip mall in Walsall and had some delicious Italian food at a place called Bella Italia.

My little something.

Thanks for getting us home safely Lufthansa!
The schizophrenic weather on the 2 hour drive home even included a rainbow!
How fun! LOVING all the photos!!! And your video had me laughing!!! Too Legit too quit! LOL!!!!!