A random Tuesday in April the kids didn't have school so rather than sit around at home all day we loaded up in the car and drove an hour to the Nuremberg Zoo! We've never been before and the weather was nice so we were excited all around! First animal sighting: kangaroos!
Giraffes and ostriches. Is that random to anyone else? :)Adorable meerkats.
Monkeys looking at monkeys.

...and manatees, dolphins, and seals below!
We enjoyed watching the underwater animals from the dry underground viewing areas.

Hairy coos! I saw more hairy cows here at the zoo in Germany than we did the entire 12 hour drive through the Scottish Highlands where these things are from and where they're plastered on every postcard, mug, magnet, stuffed animal, and any other type of souvenir you can think of. I thought that was funny and ironic.
Zebras in the distance.
Walking along the animal footprints.
My FAVORITE part was the petting zoo where there were tons of little baby goats!
Awwwwww soooooo cuuuuuute!
I wanted to take them all home with me.This bird has no fear. He hopped on my plate and stole a french fry right from under my nose. Silly birdie. I got it on film and everything - watch in the video at the end.
This slide is about 2 or 3 stories high! Fox went down a million times. Jane went down once and was traumatized.
Guinea pigs! I want them too.

This cottage is at the main entrance to the zoo, I wonder what it's for?
A short video of walking around the Nuremberg Zoo:
Fun day at the zoo!!
How fun!!! LOVING all the photos!! That is crazy about that bird!! But I guess living at the zoo, you have to be used to people around! LOL!!