Phoebe the Bunny

Thursday, September 28, 2017

We got a bunny!

We've been talking to a lionhead breeder over at Twin Peaks Rabbitry all year and finally the time came to pick her up and bring her home! Every Sunday they would send updates and the world's cutest photos of little Pheebs.

Last weekend we drove up to Redmond to meet her. It was love at first sight!

Fox and Jane couldn't keep their hands off of her and even though Chris looks a little unsure, he is head over heals for this little bun.

I can't believe she's real!
 Somewhere in there she has eyes of blue hahaha.
As soon as we got home we had to have a little photoshoot to debut her cuteness!
Just look at that forehead fur! Every night during TV time and frequently throughout the day I snuggle her. She LOVES to be cradled like a baby and sleep on her back in a little ball.
 So now we have Joey the Dog, Rachel the Cat, and Phoebe the Bunny. #friends. What's next?! Ross the fish? Monica the bird? Chandler the turtle? :)

These are the sweetest, cutest, most doted upon and loved bunnies that you will ever find, I highly recommend Twin Peaks Rabbitry!


  1. Oh my goodness, she looks so well loved! Thank you for giving her such a great home and for your kind words! I hope you guys are having a blast with her!

  2. Adorable! And you can train
    her to use a litter box. Just
    put her in it from time to
    time and show her where it
    is. Also, if you have her
    loose in your house, put
    away and wires as she will
    chew on them and can get
    electrocuted. Give her little
    wooden blocks to chew on as
    their teeth grow and need to
    chew things to keep the from
    growing too long. Bunnies
    make wonderful pets. (Also
    will chew on your moulding
    around the walls.)
    Carla from Utah


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