For general conference weekend we packed our bags and headed east to my parent's vacation home in Wallace Idaho. It is truly like being transplanted in a city 50 years ago - straight out of Radiator Springs in the CARS movies! :)

The skies were beautiful along I90.

We met my parents a couple hours from Wallace and got lunch at Cafe Rio in Coeur d'Alene and gas at Costco, etc. The last leg of the trip went smoothly and we arrived in quaint Wallace!

We've been to Wallace a few times before - I remember going on the silver mine tour with my friend in 5th grade and going shopping at all the antique stores. We also came when Fox was a little guy and Jane was in my belly. I can't remember if we've been another time... But I do know it's been at least five years since the last time and we were so happy to return!

The skies were beautiful along I90.

We met my parents a couple hours from Wallace and got lunch at Cafe Rio in Coeur d'Alene and gas at Costco, etc. The last leg of the trip went smoothly and we arrived in quaint Wallace!

We've been to Wallace a few times before - I remember going on the silver mine tour with my friend in 5th grade and going shopping at all the antique stores. We also came when Fox was a little guy and Jane was in my belly. I can't remember if we've been another time... But I do know it's been at least five years since the last time and we were so happy to return!
The kiddos in front of the house.

It was a BEAUTIFUL day and it smelled so refreshing from the mountains and newly mowed grass and flowing river nearby!
Inside looked like a whole new place! So many new additions like this hutch my dad built from scratch. I've put my name it ;)
Grandma's cute kitchen.
Cookin' spaghetti for dinner in cute pots.
After dinner we walked to the hardware store to get some brackets for a frame my dad is building me to hold our pinned Europe & Germany maps and then we walked around the adorable historic downtown.

My mom and I went into an antique store and I found lots of things I loved but didn't get. #buyersremorse.

Holy hutch!!
Saturday between sessions we went on our first legit ATV ride!!
The kids did great all things considering!
I was half scared, half excited! I'm glad we all made it to the top and back alive!
Fox & Jane pondering the meaning of life.
Me'n'my love.
Mountain details.

After the ride we went straight into town for lunch.
We ate at the Blackboard Cafe and everyone's food looked and tasted delicious!

So happy the flower baskets were still in bloom to add pops of color all over town!
Historic alleyways.

Sunday morning we listened to conference and worked on various projects.


Sunday afternoon we packed up and headed home!

I LOVE this photo of rain on the windshield my phone captured - it looks like a galaxy!

Our family in Wallace, Idaho on Saturday September 30th 2017.

Can't wait to go back for Christmas and spend time with the ENTIRE family!!

It was a BEAUTIFUL day and it smelled so refreshing from the mountains and newly mowed grass and flowing river nearby!
Inside looked like a whole new place! So many new additions like this hutch my dad built from scratch. I've put my name it ;)
Grandma's cute kitchen.
Cookin' spaghetti for dinner in cute pots.
After dinner we walked to the hardware store to get some brackets for a frame my dad is building me to hold our pinned Europe & Germany maps and then we walked around the adorable historic downtown.

My mom and I went into an antique store and I found lots of things I loved but didn't get. #buyersremorse.

Holy hutch!!
Saturday between sessions we went on our first legit ATV ride!!
The kids did great all things considering!
I was half scared, half excited! I'm glad we all made it to the top and back alive!
Fox & Jane pondering the meaning of life.
Me'n'my love.
Mountain details.

After the ride we went straight into town for lunch.
We ate at the Blackboard Cafe and everyone's food looked and tasted delicious!

So happy the flower baskets were still in bloom to add pops of color all over town!
Historic alleyways.

Sunday morning we listened to conference and worked on various projects.


Sunday afternoon we packed up and headed home!

I LOVE this photo of rain on the windshield my phone captured - it looks like a galaxy!

Our family in Wallace, Idaho on Saturday September 30th 2017.

Can't wait to go back for Christmas and spend time with the ENTIRE family!!
How fun! LOVING the photos!! Looks like a GORGEOUS town!!!!!!!!!!