South Pasadena. I love and miss it so! When the date for teaching at Paper Tales in San Diego was set in stone we decided to make an entire trip out of it and bring the whole family so we could visit our old apartment, see our old neighborhood, and eat at our favorite places. Flying over LA was fun to point out our favorite spots and iconic landmarks like the Hollywood sign and Dodger's stadium. We're back! It's like we never left!
Up up and away!
We picked up a rental car and then drove an hour to eat lunch at Chris' favorite: The Hat in Alhambra.

The house with the red door! I can't even count how many times we saw commercials and movies being filmed at this house.
We went on our usual walk around the block and I paused to admire my favorite house in all of South Pas. Too cute!
Eddie Park! How many times have we been here and gone to parties here?! It hadn't changed a bit.
These overgrown trees that provide shade are my favorite.
We also went to the local grocery store and drove by our old church. It made me so nostalgic! What a wonderful four years we had here.
After teaching in San Diego and spending a few days with family at Disneyland (recap in the form of a Project Life album coming soon!) we flew back home to Seattle and got to see the skyline in all its pretty glory. Next flight? Moving to Colorado!
So cool to go back to your old stomping grounds! I'm sure the kids loved seeing it all!