We did lots and lots and lots of fun things in December, all of which were documented thoroughly in my December Daily so here are just a few snippets :)
Jane looking particularly adorbs the whole month long.
Jane and Quinn in front of the Christmas tree.
Chris' first Christmas work party extravaganza.
Ultimate cuddle sesh with Rachel.
Obsessed with the Great British Baking Show. Especially the holiday edition!
The most epically decorated house we ever did see! It's called the Gingerbread House for good reason.
We checked out the Denver Zoo Lights.

Fox lined up some of his toys all in a row. Like mom like son :)
I worked on pretty much only my December Daily all month long. I love this annual project!
I went with Haylie and Margi to a legit Nutcracker ballet. It was beautiful.
Brunch with gals from church.
I went to Jane's class Christmas party.
And I went to Fox's class Christmas party. The best part was when the entire class erupted in a spontaneous rendition of "flossing". Oh my lol.
We saved Joey's festive bandana from last year and he adorned it again this year.
A beautiful moonset from Summit View.

We did our usual gift exchange at Target and read from the Coming of Christ book.
Christmas Eve dinner with all the local Evans families.
Every year Tom & Margi host a nativity in their barn.
The kids' faces on Christmas morning.
December was one to remember!
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