Here's what we did in May!
I sent Shara Crane my Horizon collection and she turned it into the most beautiful banner for my scrap room! I love love love it more than words can describe.

Horizon is in stock at JoAnn stores and it's almost always on sale!
My calling at church is to do activities twice a month with the 7-9 year old girls and so one night we made rolled paper flowers.
All three times we've been to Crave Burger I have LOVED what I ordered. 3 different burgers! 3 for 3! I'm their #1 fan. Plus, sweet potato fries.
Jane playing with Monica the guinea pig.
Mini album collection is growing!
I shrunk down one of my cut files to use as a stencil and love the results.

This is the view that sold me on our house and we see it every time we drive home. The mountains. The Highlands Ranch Mansion. Rolling green hills. The Denver skyline. It never gets old!
Did you grab all of the free cut files from my Happy Scrappy Place Facebook Group for International Scrapbook Day?!
I reached a huge goal of mine! I lost 40 pounds and it took 34 weeks. I was happy before but now I can actually breathe when I walk up a single flight of stairs! You can read all about how I did it without starving myself or getting a gym membership here.

My mom and my sister "collect" candles and it looks like I'm jumping on the same bandwagon :)
Tom & Margi & Haylie and kiddos came over for dinner and we tested out the firepit making s'mores. Success!
Joey in a laundry basket. Joey basking in the sunshine.

Tiny chicken tacos! Sometimes I cook :)
There was yet another school shooting in Colorado, this one happened only 3 miles away. It was devastating and seriously makes me consider homeschooling. We snuggled as a family that night.
We celebrated 12 years of marriage on May 8th! Best 12 years of our lives :)


On Mother's Day morning Chris and the kids obliged me with going on a hike up to the top of a hill nearby.
The views were incredible!

Before church on Mother's Day.
Fox's class had a presentation of sorts the week before school got out so I walked over at the designated time and loved having him show me around, what he's been working on, and he put on his own performance.
Look who I ran into while visiting Fox! I sent this to Chris and made him jelly :)
Baby buns everywhere!!!!!
May is a month of birthdays! We celebrated Margi with a unicorn-themed party.
One Saturday I taught at Simple Pleasures down in Colorado Springs. You can read the re-cap here.
Love these kiddos.

This is more realistic.
In preparation for going to see the new Aladdin movie we watched the original. Still love it.
Jane being her cute self.

OMG. It snowed after Mother's Day. I covered as many flowers as I could with empty plastic bins. Luckily they survived. I'm so over this unusually cold winter.
Last day of 2nd grade for Fox and 1st grade for Jane! They had a great year.

Last Saturday we had big plans to go see Aladdin - we bought our tickets like 3 weeks in advance. But when we showed up to the theater the parking lot was empty.... I guess the fire alarms were going off and so it was closed. It was only 3:30pm but we were all hungry because we were anticipating eating popcorn. Instead, we changed our plans and ate at Cafe Rio for a late lunch/early dinner. Delicious as always.
Then we went to the Yogurtland here for the very first time! I dunno why it's taken us so long, we LOVE Yogurtland. And it was delicious too!
Then we used our Groupon to Monster Mini Golf which was fun and entertaining.
Jane scored a hole-in-one-on a super tricky hole. She was ecstatic.
You never know what kind of animals you'll see in the open fields! Deer. Horses. Cattle. BABY cows!!
The Sunday before my birthday Chris made a yummy dinner to celebrate and his parents came over.
We ate at the food court in the Park Meadows mall for the first time. Can't believe how many firsts we've been hitting up lately, and we've almost been here a year! Keeps things exciting.
We finally got to see Aladdin!! Here is what I said about it on Facebook: Legitimately LOVED LOVED LOVED Aladdin. I laughed SO hard and cried when the genie was set free (spoiler alert ;) ). I LOVED all of the songs brought to life and Jasmine's two new solo songs. The dancing, bright colors, costumes, the actors... seriously, go see it. If you loved the cartoon you will love this version. I can't wait to watch it on repeat when it's available to download. Totally not sponsored, just sooooo happy with a good re-make!!
I turned 34! I'm in my mid-thirties!
34 things I love to celebrate being on this beautiful earth for 34 years:
1) My family
2) Scrapbooking
3) Pink + mint
4) Flowers
5) Sunshine and rainbows
6) Being outside
7) Thai food
8) Gummy candy
9) Anything milk chocolate with caramel
10) The smell of fresh cut grass
11) Going to the movies
12) So many TV shows but my favorite is FRIENDS
13) Anything Disney
14) Target & Anthro
15) Animals
16) Chevelle + Linkin Park
17) Europe. Anywhere in Europe.
18) A new favorite burger place here called Crave
19) Making mini albums
20) Walking around scrapbook stores
21) The sound of my Cameo cutting things out
22) <- don="" favorite="" i="" know="" lol.="" my="" number.="" p="" t="" why="">23) Teaching workshops & classes
24) When a new collection arrives on my doorstep (the next one is coming any day now!!)
25) Riding bikes
26) Going out of my comfort zone on creative projects
27) Exploring new places
28) Meeting scrappy friends in real life
29) Reading, especially outside
30) Warm, fuzzy blankets
31) Halloween
32) Smelly good candles
33) Email notifications->34) The gift of being another year older
I got myself a sleeve of the best macarons from Honey Bs. Happy birthday to me from me lol. Chris got me that blue bike that I shared a layout of recently as well as a loofa and bubble bath. My mom wrote me a sweet card. My dad got me headphones. And the kids got me the sweetest gift ever. Awhile ago I told them the story of how I accidentally left my entire collection of My Little Ponies on a boat in San Francisco when I was about 5 years old. So they bought me a new set to replace the lost ones. Aren't they so thoughtful? Cutie patooties.
Posing and twirling as little girls do.

My sister is starting to make handmade dolls. She sold them all within two hours! Be sure to keep up with her instagram if you want one. They're so darling!
There was nowhere to sit down in the playroom so we picked up a unicorn and a fox beanbag chair (natch) from Target.
Cats are funny. How do they know to sit in the sun?
We walked over to the school playground to get out of the house for awhile on this beautiful day.
Holy cow she's getting so big.

Layout stack is growing almost daily! It's almost been a year since my last film through so I'm planning on going through this pile soon!
May is one of my favorite months and this one was definitely epic!
I sent Shara Crane my Horizon collection and she turned it into the most beautiful banner for my scrap room! I love love love it more than words can describe.

Horizon is in stock at JoAnn stores and it's almost always on sale!
My calling at church is to do activities twice a month with the 7-9 year old girls and so one night we made rolled paper flowers.
All three times we've been to Crave Burger I have LOVED what I ordered. 3 different burgers! 3 for 3! I'm their #1 fan. Plus, sweet potato fries.
Jane playing with Monica the guinea pig.
Mini album collection is growing!
I shrunk down one of my cut files to use as a stencil and love the results.

This is the view that sold me on our house and we see it every time we drive home. The mountains. The Highlands Ranch Mansion. Rolling green hills. The Denver skyline. It never gets old!
Did you grab all of the free cut files from my Happy Scrappy Place Facebook Group for International Scrapbook Day?!
I reached a huge goal of mine! I lost 40 pounds and it took 34 weeks. I was happy before but now I can actually breathe when I walk up a single flight of stairs! You can read all about how I did it without starving myself or getting a gym membership here.

My mom and my sister "collect" candles and it looks like I'm jumping on the same bandwagon :)
Tom & Margi & Haylie and kiddos came over for dinner and we tested out the firepit making s'mores. Success!
Joey in a laundry basket. Joey basking in the sunshine.

Tiny chicken tacos! Sometimes I cook :)
There was yet another school shooting in Colorado, this one happened only 3 miles away. It was devastating and seriously makes me consider homeschooling. We snuggled as a family that night.
We celebrated 12 years of marriage on May 8th! Best 12 years of our lives :)


Fox and his best friends.
We went to Krispy Kreme for the first time and loved watching the donuts get made.On Mother's Day morning Chris and the kids obliged me with going on a hike up to the top of a hill nearby.
The views were incredible!

Before church on Mother's Day.
Fox's class had a presentation of sorts the week before school got out so I walked over at the designated time and loved having him show me around, what he's been working on, and he put on his own performance.
Look who I ran into while visiting Fox! I sent this to Chris and made him jelly :)
Baby buns everywhere!!!!!
May is a month of birthdays! We celebrated Margi with a unicorn-themed party.
One Saturday I taught at Simple Pleasures down in Colorado Springs. You can read the re-cap here.
Love these kiddos.

This is more realistic.
In preparation for going to see the new Aladdin movie we watched the original. Still love it.
Jane being her cute self.

OMG. It snowed after Mother's Day. I covered as many flowers as I could with empty plastic bins. Luckily they survived. I'm so over this unusually cold winter.
Last day of 2nd grade for Fox and 1st grade for Jane! They had a great year.

Last Saturday we had big plans to go see Aladdin - we bought our tickets like 3 weeks in advance. But when we showed up to the theater the parking lot was empty.... I guess the fire alarms were going off and so it was closed. It was only 3:30pm but we were all hungry because we were anticipating eating popcorn. Instead, we changed our plans and ate at Cafe Rio for a late lunch/early dinner. Delicious as always.
Then we went to the Yogurtland here for the very first time! I dunno why it's taken us so long, we LOVE Yogurtland. And it was delicious too!
Then we used our Groupon to Monster Mini Golf which was fun and entertaining.
Jane scored a hole-in-one-on a super tricky hole. She was ecstatic.
You never know what kind of animals you'll see in the open fields! Deer. Horses. Cattle. BABY cows!!
The Sunday before my birthday Chris made a yummy dinner to celebrate and his parents came over.
We ate at the food court in the Park Meadows mall for the first time. Can't believe how many firsts we've been hitting up lately, and we've almost been here a year! Keeps things exciting.
We finally got to see Aladdin!! Here is what I said about it on Facebook: Legitimately LOVED LOVED LOVED Aladdin. I laughed SO hard and cried when the genie was set free (spoiler alert ;) ). I LOVED all of the songs brought to life and Jasmine's two new solo songs. The dancing, bright colors, costumes, the actors... seriously, go see it. If you loved the cartoon you will love this version. I can't wait to watch it on repeat when it's available to download. Totally not sponsored, just sooooo happy with a good re-make!!

I turned 34! I'm in my mid-thirties!
34 things I love to celebrate being on this beautiful earth for 34 years:
1) My family
2) Scrapbooking
3) Pink + mint
4) Flowers
5) Sunshine and rainbows
6) Being outside
7) Thai food
8) Gummy candy
9) Anything milk chocolate with caramel
10) The smell of fresh cut grass
11) Going to the movies
12) So many TV shows but my favorite is FRIENDS
13) Anything Disney
14) Target & Anthro
15) Animals
16) Chevelle + Linkin Park
17) Europe. Anywhere in Europe.
18) A new favorite burger place here called Crave
19) Making mini albums
20) Walking around scrapbook stores
21) The sound of my Cameo cutting things out
22) <- don="" favorite="" i="" know="" lol.="" my="" number.="" p="" t="" why="">23) Teaching workshops & classes
24) When a new collection arrives on my doorstep (the next one is coming any day now!!)
25) Riding bikes
26) Going out of my comfort zone on creative projects
27) Exploring new places
28) Meeting scrappy friends in real life
29) Reading, especially outside
30) Warm, fuzzy blankets
31) Halloween
32) Smelly good candles
33) Email notifications->34) The gift of being another year older

I got myself a sleeve of the best macarons from Honey Bs. Happy birthday to me from me lol. Chris got me that blue bike that I shared a layout of recently as well as a loofa and bubble bath. My mom wrote me a sweet card. My dad got me headphones. And the kids got me the sweetest gift ever. Awhile ago I told them the story of how I accidentally left my entire collection of My Little Ponies on a boat in San Francisco when I was about 5 years old. So they bought me a new set to replace the lost ones. Aren't they so thoughtful? Cutie patooties.
Posing and twirling as little girls do.

My sister is starting to make handmade dolls. She sold them all within two hours! Be sure to keep up with her instagram if you want one. They're so darling!
There was nowhere to sit down in the playroom so we picked up a unicorn and a fox beanbag chair (natch) from Target.
Cats are funny. How do they know to sit in the sun?
We walked over to the school playground to get out of the house for awhile on this beautiful day.
Holy cow she's getting so big.

The last day in May Chris and I went on a date! We tried a local pizza place called Nicolo's for the first time (another first!) and then saw The Hustle which was terrible lol.
I'm working on something fun!Layout stack is growing almost daily! It's almost been a year since my last film through so I'm planning on going through this pile soon!
May is one of my favorite months and this one was definitely epic!
Wow!!! You were busy this month!!!!! If you LOVE candles, you TOTALLY need to get a Gold Canyon Candle!! Seriously, they are the BEST EVER!!!!! I am a candle freak, and I have been through almost all brands/styles and Gold Canyon is the ONLY ones I buy now!!!! If they don't sell them in your area, let me know, and I will send you one!! They are FABULOUS! HUGE CONGRATS on reaching your goal too!! That is AWESOME!!! I can't believe it snowed there in May!! That is CRAZY!!!!! It was unusually COLDER here in AZ in May too! That is so sad about the shooting... makes my <3 sad :( I am happy to hear that about Aladdin!!! I was worried about it, as I was HUGE fan of Robin's version! :) And bummer about The Hustle, from the previews it looked funny, but they probably showed all funny parts in the previews! LOL!!