Red Rocks & Morrison

Sunday, June 16, 2019

We are having tons of fun exploring on the weekends. Denver has so much to offer!
The Red Rocks Amphitheater is only 30 minutes away so I looked up trails on the internet and found a short one that we could walk around with the kiddos. But first, we walked up to the amphitheater.
Wicked cool! Plus, it's a great spot to get your sweat on. If you look closely you can see many others doing just that lol.
The Denver skyline is visible in the background which always makes me happy. I love a good view!
 Then we walked back down to the parking lot to find the trail through and around the red rocks.
 The rock formations are super cool.
The kids are still great at letting me take their picture - I will keep taking them for as long as they'll let me!
 Fox loved climbing the rocks. Hey that rhymes!
 Jane followed suit.
 Little explorers.
 Every time we saw a bird fly by Jane wanted me to take its picture.
 I finally caught this hummingbird on camera.
 Fox gave the Red Rocks a 9 out of 10 which is a flippin' high score for him! We'll take it!

 Then we drove into Morrison which is a super cute town filled with eats and treats and boutiques.
 They are truly best friends.
 We walked up one side of the street and down the other, popping into the shops that caught our eye.
Love this painted wall. 
 Cute and colorful shingles.
 So many places to choose from to eat! We weren't hungry for lunch yet since it was still pretty early in the morning so we'll definitely have to come back to try some out.
 Fox, Fox, and more cute Fox.
Such a fun day exploring the Red Rocks and Morrison!


  1. Such a beautiful town!!!! LOVING that 'little explorer' photo!!! Too CUTE!!!! And love that Jane has a thing for birds! You never know if kids with grow out of things they are enamored with as they grow up! :)

  2. You are a fabulous ambassador for Colorado ! It's very rural looking and that's so appealing to me. Lot's of sunshine and things to explore. The 'little explorer's' photo is so fun, LOL, the look on their faces is perfect :D It's nice these little towns create ways to thrive and people come to open cute shoppe's ! I love places like this. Cheers xK


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