Creativation 2020

Sunday, February 2, 2020

A couple weeks ago I flew to Phoenix to attend Creativation 2020!
Rocky Mountain High! I LOVE living in Colorado. Love love love it. Every day my heart falls more and more in love with this state.
 I went straight from the airport to an art studio where the other designers and friends from were painting wooden signs.
 How CUTE is this place?! It's called Studio 223 in Gilbert. I love all the colors, naturally.
 The next morning Vicki Boutin and I drove out to to film mini classes using our new collections. I spy the latest and greatest issue of Scrapbook & Cards Today Magazine on the counter for everyone who enters to flip through!
 Fun to think about everything that has happened and all the changes since I wrote my note on this wall exactly a year ago. // The filming studio is epic. Rainbow love = be still my soul!
 I filmed two mini classes - three start-to-finish layouts and a quick & easy mini album class using Bloom Street. I'll let you know when they're up!
Pretty sunset.
 Vicki, Shimelle and I went to Cafe Rio for dinner, mmmm.
 View from the hotel room of downtown Phoenix.
 The next morning we walked to the Convention Center to help set up booths. The wall on the right was empty so I emailed Elisabeth and asked what was supposed to go up there. A layout wall, just like at home! How fun! Good thing I brought an entire scrapbook of layouts! I found one of the workers to help me build the signage and hang the wires and clipped the pages into place. The entire Pink Paislee booth looked immaculate.
 My Happy Scrappy Place!
 I sent Missy Whidden a sample box of Bloom Street and she whipped up three beautiful layouts for me to bring to display! So grateful for her being on my design team.
 A coordinating wall to the one we found last year! Definite photo op spot.
 Walking to the Convention Center for the official start of the show.
 This lady right here is the one who very first introduced me to the world of scrapbooking. I was around 11 years old and she had a scrapbooking activity at her house across the street from mine. I'll always remember the advice she gave me: I had a photo of me in a pink dress on green grass so I matched the grass to a green paper. She suggested I use a pink paper to mat the photo to bring out the pink in my dress. Genius! So, I give huge thanks to her for introducing me to scrapbooking all those years ago.
People stopped in my booth and got a picture with me to go, along with a handmade paperclip!
 Since I had to use my phone to snap and print the pics, I got a lot of selfies :)
 These are the 68 paperclips I made with Bloom Street and gave away. I kept just one for myself!
 How cute is Jessica from The Hook Nook and her pink hair? I'm excited for her new collaboration with American Crafts! I need to learn how to crochet :) Add it to my list of things to try!
 Maggie Holmes / me / Amy Tangerine. Love these ladies!
 Shimelle / me / Heidi Swapp / Vicki Boutin / Kelly Creates / Jen Hadfield / Laura Graff
 I didn't get a chance to walk the floor, but what did catch my eye were these beautiful handmade flowers in all the colors.
Close up. WOW. 
 Ulli, the new owner of Scrapbook Werkstatt, and Steffi Ried from my design team came all the way from Germany to attend! They are the sweetest and nicest.
 Keeping my eye on this, I want one!
 And just like that, the show was over and I flew home, picking out our house from above. I am finally getting the lay of the land and LOVE finding landmarks from the sky. It's such a cool feeling to feel like I'm at home. We've been here about 19 months.
Can't wait for next year!


  1. How FUN!!!! I love your view from downtown! I recognize all those buildings! LOL!! Loving your booth too!! It looked AMAZING!!!!!!!

  2. American Crafts has such a wonderful and talented group! It was obvious to me, everyone loves what they do. That comes through in the product, the projects and the smiles. Truth is, meeting you was the best part of the show for me <3 Funny, maybe five years ago or so, my friend Alys and I were saying, "wouldn't it be amazing to go to Creativation together one day!" . So it was a completely magical day for me. I can't wait to get into my craft room every day and you make that all the more special. Thanks so much lovely xK

  3. I was at Cafe Rio..........thought that I saw, why would she be in Gilbert! Now I read the Blog..........I wasn't crazy, it was you!


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Paige Taylor Evans © // Quinn Creatives DESIGN