March 2021 Highlights

Thursday, April 1, 2021

Another month of 2021 has come and gone and it was just as jam packed and fun as February! Here's what we were up to.

We went to the indoor pool at the closest rec center several times. They usually spend the entire hour and a half going around and around and around the lazy river.

Watching TV in bed.

Silly billies.

Fox learned how to blow bubblegum bubbles. He was so proud of himself. As he should be :)

Just a quick selfie outside Cafe Rio!

Nana and Papa came over to do a Come Follow Me lesson and Chris and I armored up the kids in tinfoil.

Jane doing a rain dance hehe.

The weather was soooo nice at the beginning of March that I dusted off all the patio furniture. I knew it was premature, but I couldn't help myself. Spring is here!

All week leading up to Thursday March 12th Coloradans were warned of an epic snowstorm headed our way. When Thursday and even Friday came and went and this is what it looked like, we were all laughing. "Send in the National Guard" is what this person captioned this photo on Facebook because Governor Polis had indeed called on the National Guard. We all thought it was a joke. But then on Sunday....

it started to snow...

And it snowed and it snowed and it snowed!

While it was still snowing on March 14th (our 17th anniversary of being boyfriend/girlfriend!) we wanted to go outside and see what was happening. We put on all our snow gear and ventured out into the storm and it was soooo fun!

Total whiteout!

Fox was FREAKING OUT that we would die on our walk, look at this hilarious text he sent me:

Of course we were fine, it was just a little (or a LOT) of snow.

Never been in this much snow!

Definitely calls for a snow angel.

The next morning we woke up to a bright and sunny and glorious day. It was the first day of Spring Break. School would totally have been canceled otherwise.

I walked out to the main thoroughfare to see the status of the roads since our street had not been plowed. My mom saw me on the street cam! Hehe! As you can see, the main roads were completely clear, but as soon as you turn onto the side road, nada.

All of the neighbors with Jeeps (and there are a ton of them, Jeeps are a thing 'round here!) were having the absolute time of their lives driving up and down in an effort to flatten the snow for those who needed to get places. Their smiles! Ha! Makes me want to get a Jeep because...

...around lunch time Fox had a playdate and we wanted to go get some food and stuff, but as soon as we pulled out we got stuck! Not even 5 feet out of our driveway! Ha! We have 4 wheel drive and everything but the car sits really low to the ground. Luckily we have very nice neighbors who came to the rescue and dug us out. Chris parked the car back in the garage.
The 4th biggest Denver Snow Storm couldn't stop us from getting Fox to his playdate though! Jacketless, we walked the mile to his friend's house in unplowed streets. It was quite an adventure. People were out shoveling in tank tops. It was nice & warm in the sun and shoveling snow is an excellent workout.
We made it to #4!
Later that day, enough snow had melted that Chris was able to drive to Home Depot to get some nails for our air gun to finish a project.
The next day our streets had been plowed and the sun continued to melt it all away. We got chocolate chip cookies from Crumbl and wrote and delivered cards to our neighbors as a thank you for helping dig us out.
Another tragedy. It's unbelievable.
Disneyland is re-opening! I can't wait to go back!
Hawks on a lamp! I was trying to get as close as possible to take pics of them but I scared one away.
We finally installed more Lego Minifigure shelves. It's been on the to-do list for a good long while.
We've been collecting them for like a decade and we have all 35 sets plus some extras like the Mario and Unikitty sets. The best way to get an entire set because they're blind bags is through Ebay. We're missing Mr. Gold - currently going for around $5k on Ebay. Please Santa?
Snippets of me from March.
The last day of March we went to Jaylie's (Jay & Haylie's) for an awesome Easter egg hunt! They hid over 2000 eggs!!
Checking out their loot.
So many colorful eggs.
My cute niece Kylie.
It's warming up again so we're going on more and more walks.
Chris making WhirlyPop popcorn for the first time on our new range.
I was the first one to boil water and make my speciality of pasta bows!
Here are some other things we ate this month: Tuk Tuk Thai, Cafe Rio, lots of Crumbl cookies, and Costco chicken tacos.

How cute are these Honey B's macarons? They're not ours, I just saw them on their Facebook page and need an excuse to get some.

Rachel is still the most photographed subject in our home, because she's always with me. Well, she's been a little more scarce this month because of all the construction, but even still, she's my befrie :)
We needed to rotate the rug under our bed which required disassembling the entire thing, and somehow Rachel climbed her way to the top of our mattress! She's still young and spry at heart :)
I can't even. She's just the cutest.
Rachel throughout the month of March. On chairs, floors, in cabinets, on rugs, a blanket, a vest, coffee table, our bed, hiding in a closet, and more. She is the source of so much of my happiness. Unfortunately she was acting weird a couple times so I took her to the vet and she has hyperthyroidism and tested positive for most likely to get kidney disease. I've started her on a new medication for her thyroid and have a checkup in April. I hope beyond all hope that we get to keep her for 500 more years.
Every time the carpet gets vacuumed Rachel leaves a little paw print trail. Oh my heart.
Hi Richard! He's alive and well!
And Joey! 
Joey's been more present this month because he's always interested when there are people in the house and there have been many humans coming and going this month to work on the reno. He's a cute Doge. He's about to shed his suuuuper thick winter coat. Time for a grooming!
Fox, Joey, Rachel.

A lot of movies came out this month! We went and saw Raya, it was pretty cute.
We took the kids to see Hop, it was also pretty cute. It's an old movie. Perfect for Easter time.
Jane filling up her icee.
Family movie time!
Chris and I went and saw Chaos Walking which was so bad I almost walked out TWICE.
The next week we went on a date to see The Courier. Very interesting! I always need subtitles though lol.
And then we went and saw Nobody. Best movie I've seen in a loooooong time! If you only see one movie, let this be it. Very very violent, but also comical.
Every night we watch a few episodes of TV shows before falling asleep. We finished up Schitts Creek. SUCH A GOOD SHOW. Love love love it.
We watched The Dig which was great.
For a bit of humor and fun we watched Derry Girls. Hysterical.
I had seen the episode of GBBO when the Derry Girls were on it, thought they were hilarious, and made a mental note to watch their show. Glad I did! And then we watched the GBBO episode together which was even funnier for me the 2nd time around since I had more context.
Now we're currently watching Modern Family. I've seen a lot of the seasons, but it's been a long time, and now that the show is over we can binge the whole series. It's so funny.
During the day I watch a lot of True Crime. Joe Kenda is my favorite so I was super excited to see him narrate a new show called American Detective. Always so interesting.
Every week on Tuesday night Fox and I watch the Spring Baking Championship! We had tickets to go see Duff Goldman last March here in Colorado but that's exactly when everything shut down. I hope he comes back soon! We love Duff!

This whole month our kitchen has been under construction. Demo began Monday February 22nd which I blogged about last month and it's supposed to conclude tomorrow. 6 weeks in total. Our contractor (Tim with Brownstone Renovation) gave us a daily schedule before the project and has stuck to it to a "T"! It has really helped me mentally prepare and ease the ultra planner in me. A couple weeks in we got the news that the countertops we wanted were no longer available. I was bummed. So I drove out to two warehouses in Denver and took a gander at my options. The first place I didn't find anything so I was freaking out.
The second place had so many good options! Phew! I found THE ONE. In stock and available. I like this one even more so all's well that ends well!
Drywall all patched and the texture sprayed on in prep for cabinets and then painting.
5 weeks of cooking on a single burner. I avoided it at the end and just got a lot of take out.
Big day when the cabinets were delivered!
First box opened! Love love love!
Fox and I were the first ones to eat at the island. We were giddy with excitement hehe.
So close to being done! We moved everything back into the cabinets over the weekend and got to use it for two days before it was all covered up again for a couple days for the final step of painting.
It's fun to compare my Pinterest moodboard that I culled and curated for years to how it turned out!
Looks similar to me!
I moved Rachel's kitty cat stuff back into the laundry room and she quickly found her food of course.
Just a few more finishing touches and it'll all be done!
We got some art prints to decorate the piano room/soon-to-be formal dining room.

On the scrappy front!

I only shared one layout here on the blog the entire month of March. That tells you how busy I was. I was very overwhelmed this month and put personal projects on the backburner.
I did share 10 free cut files though! This Easter basket and laptop can be found in my Happy Scrappy Place Facebook Group.
I designed these 4 cut files for Scrapbook & Cards Today.
And these 4 SpongeBob cut files I created to go with my campaign I posted early in the month.
My cutie patootie helping me show off the SpongeBob buttons.
I received my Wonders order and spent a weekend getting it all collated for pre-orders.
I shared a lot about my Virtual Classes! Not too late to sign up for any/all of them :)
I had my first Layout Virtual Class!! I was a ball of nerves the entire time but I hope people enjoyed it :)
So fun that she scrapped the class on the class layout!
I did create 4 layouts in March, I just can't share them yet. This is for an upcoming blog hop with Altenew:
These are for an upcoming virtual class with Scrappin' in the City:
And this is for my April guest design spot with the Scrapbook 101: Better Than the Basics class with SCT.
I found matching DMC embroidery thread colors for Wonders.
The last Saturday of March I went to a casual crop with local scrappy friends! Rosie, Jessica from Color Cast Designs, Karen, Andrea, Danielle (aka ShimmerLife), and me!
We spent all day at our own socially distanced tables and had a total ball.
At the crop I made a coptic book with WondersBookbinding kits coming to my Etsy shop soon :)
I need to add some more embellishments on the cover and then I'll have a separate blog post about it.
Jessica from Color Cast Designs gave me these embellishments. Too perfect for me!!
Michaels requested another Zoom class featuring my Memory Explosion Box supplies, this time birthday themed. So I got to work on the sample.
Here it is!
Almost time!
Love when people story the event as it's happening!
Phew! Did it! I can't tell you how anxious and nervous it makes me doing lives! Have to conquer this fear! You can watch the replay HERE.
Fox and Jane both commented :) Warms my heart!
So excited to make lots of stuff with Wonders! And now that it's shipping I can't wait to see what YOU make with it!

March was busy and fun as ever! Here's to an awesome April!


  1. Awesome photos and adventures, and the kitchen is gorgeous.

  2. What a month you had! Your kitchen turned out beautiful. I'm still dazed by that snowstorm and get this, we got snow today, April 10th. I spent the entire day working on my Layout Class #2. It was great fun. Your virtual classes are a big hit ! How cool to teach one class around the world at the same time. Cheers dear!


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Paige Taylor Evans © // Quinn Creatives DESIGN