Here's what we were up to in April 2022!
The first Saturday in April we went to the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo down in Colorado Springs. I've never been before, Chris has been once with the kids, so I was excited to be shown the ropes!
The setting is SO COOL! Built right into a mountainside so you can see far and wide!
Why are meerkats so cute?!
The Broadmoor! We're staying there for our 15th anniversary this month! 15 years already!
Hey Fox!
Elephant playing with a tire.
Since they've been here before they lead the way and knew exactly where to go and what not to miss.
Another unique thing I love about this zoo is some of the animals aren't behind bars or in cages, they roam free so you can touch (and hug) them teehee.
Wallabys are soooo soft! Who knew?!
I want one.
Then we paid a few bucks to feed the budgies and cockatiels.
So many of them!
Fox caught one.
Scary! Don't worry, it's not real :)
Various animal sightings: alligator, a huge python (no thank you!), lazy tiger, pelicans that the zoo employee told us a couple times that they mate for life, presh!
Never been this close to a bald eagle before!
These penguins just walk around, 'free as a bird'. People have to be careful not to step on them, they're so little!
The best for last: feeding the giraffes!
The walkway is at their height so you get up close and personal with like a million of them. Seriously, I counted at least 15 giraffes!
We saw The Johnson Files!!!
We've been following them on instagram for years, Shaun is just sooo flippin' stinkin' funny. We were lucky enough to see them last year in Utah on our anniversary for a sporadic show they put on. When they announced they were coming to Denver for the first time I literally set my alarm to grab front row tickets!
What is even happening lolol.
Best kind of date night!
They took a selfie with the whole audience.
I spy us haha!
For Easter Sunday dinner we went to Tom and Margi's for a delicious meal. I love her setup.
This view. I really hope we get to move back to Germany when Chris retires and live out our golden years traveling.
We ate at Capriotti's Sandwich Shop for the first time and it was so freaking good! Thanksgiving in a sammy!
Me and my lion mane :)
Chris replaced one of my fillings. He's the best dentist in the world :)
Fox went on a field trip and a mom sent me a pic of him. Cuties!
Jane and her friends auditioned for the school talent show singing Firework by Katy Perry. They got in! Can't wait to watch them perform in May.
I needed more pics to scrap so I asked Jane to pose for me. She's so great at letting me take pictures of her all the time! Appearing on a scrapbook layout soon :)
She's getting her braces off TOMORROW!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The kids had a four day weekend and Fox had lots of playdates with friends so just us girls had a fun afternoon at Kneaders and the pool.
"I've got two kitties!"
They are just the best. I still miss Rachel oh so much, but these kittens have taken away the loneliness and I love them to pieces!
I loved Nicholas Sparks' newest book so much (The Wish) and as the days are warming up I'm planning to spend lots of time outside reading. Not last summer but the summer before I read the entire Twilight series and I have such fond memories of chillaxing outside. I decided I want to read more Nicholas Sparks! I've read a lot of them, but not all of them, and I have collector's syndrome haha/not haha.
So I did a search and found a complete collection of Nicholas Sparks books! Adds to cart! 22 books! I'm going to read them in order of publish date, even if I've already read them. And I have his next book coming out in the fall pre-ordered already lol. And yes I'll have tissues next to me as a read them haha, it ain't my first rodeo hahaha.
We saw two movies: The Unbearable Weight Of Massive Talent (so random lol), and Uncharted - so good! The previews for Uncharted didn't make it look very good IMHO, but we gave it a whirl and I loved it! I hope they come out with a sequel. And then we started Better Call Saul. It took me awhile to get into it but now I'm hooked. I liked Breaking Bad, it's a little dark, but still entertaining, so I've found this interesting.
On the scrappy front!
I shared 1 layout every single day the entire month of April! All featuring the 30 Boy Cut Files and all for/about Mr. Fox:
1) All Boy. 2) Arrows Background. 3) Shelf. 4) Circles Background. 5) Pennant Banners.
6) Backpack. 7) Gone Fishing. 8) Brick Wreath. 9) Arrows. 10) Here Comes Trouble.
11) Star Triangle. 12) Caps. 13) Gamer. 14) Keys. 15) Hot Off the Grill.
16) Quilt Background. 17) Hoodie. 18) Sports. 19) Pennants. 20) Gaming Desk.
21) Expressions. 22) Sound Bars. 23) Rafting. 24) Circuit Board Frame. 25) Gameboy.
26) Not Today. 27) Tire Tracks. 28) Triangles Background. 29) My Guy. 30) Tools Frame.
6) Backpack. 7) Gone Fishing. 8) Brick Wreath. 9) Arrows. 10) Here Comes Trouble.
11) Star Triangle. 12) Caps. 13) Gamer. 14) Keys. 15) Hot Off the Grill.
16) Quilt Background. 17) Hoodie. 18) Sports. 19) Pennants. 20) Gaming Desk.
21) Expressions. 22) Sound Bars. 23) Rafting. 24) Circuit Board Frame. 25) Gameboy.
26) Not Today. 27) Tire Tracks. 28) Triangles Background. 29) My Guy. 30) Tools Frame.
Grab the entire bundle of cut files HERE!
My layout stack is ginormous! Time to file them away into their designated scrapbooks.
I designed 5 free cut files: 2 for my Happy Scrappy Place Facebook Group, 2 for my Newsletters, and 1 for Scrapbook & Cards Today.
I taught the last of my PaigePals2 classes in April. I hope to have more PaigePals classes soon!
On Saturday April 23rd I taught the Layouts Class in the morning.
And the Suitcase Mini Album Class in the afternoon.
On Saturday April 30th I taught a layout virtual class for the Spring Crop and Create Event with SCT. I'll share the 3 layouts here soon!
So fun seeing how everyone interprets the techniques and makes their own projects!
Splendid arrived!
I brought all the boxes inside where they sat for a couple weeks until more arrived and my scrappy friends could come over and help me unbox it all.
Scrappy friends are the best friends :)
I couldn't have opened everything without them! Or at least, it would have taken me literally days but with all the help it only took a few hours. I hooked them up with Cafe Rio and raiding my basement where I keep scrapbooking overflow :)
A few days later the rest of Splendid arrived!
Chris and I kitted all the pre-orders and class supplies.
I got my 4x4 Mini Album Kits made for my virtual class coming up on May 14th!
Amy was guarding the kits with gusto.
Chasity sent me some Splendid Project Pads and the box customization and "to" title made me smile :)
Layouts in progress.
I sent out my last Thank You card from the batch I made nearly two years ago - time to make more!

This Saturday May 7th is International Scrapbook Day!
I have tons of fun planned in my Happy Scrappy Place Facebook Group.
Sneak of all 14 challenges from me and my design teams:
And best of all - a SALE!! Use coupon code CROPANDCREATE when checking out in Paige’s Shop to receive 20% off previous virtual classes, cut files, bundles, and most scrapbook supplies! Code cannot be applied to current kits, upcoming classes, or the current cut file bundle. Shipping overages will be refunded. For international shipping of physical products, please send an email to for a quote. Valid through May 8th, 2022.
This year has been so busy work-wise. I have some big deadlines to finish and then I am taking some time to CHILL I hope lol. I really love being busy though! Anyway, April was awesome, here's to a wonderful May! The best month of the year with Mother's Day, our anniversary, and my birthday! The trifecta!
I love reading your monthly stories. They're so action packed and full of fun. I mean honestly, I don't know anyone who does as much as you and always with a smile on your face. I went all the way to Australia to meet Walabie's, LOL! Who knew I could just skip down to Colorado. What an awesome concept to have their guests mingle with the locals! I love that. 💗😍