August 2023 Highlights

Friday, September 1, 2023

Here's what we were up to in August 2023!
We got our annual family photos taken up at a sunflower field in Windsor. It was a 2 hour drive but the sneak peeks from the photographer have made it soooo worth it!
I can't wait to see the rest!
And then these pictures were just ones I took while we were there. The sky was so pretty!
Chris, Fox and Jane went to Canada for Nick's wedding. I stayed home with a UTI.
Voodoo Donuts at DIA.
Jamba Juice for Fox because he got braces the day before and his teeth were still hurting.
In their seats.
Jane was sooo happy because they had Avatar.
Welcome to Canada!
The car rental situation was a nightmare.
They ended up in a Ford F-150 truck!
Super hazy from all the fires.
Gazing at the river.
Dinner at the park.
Devotional in the hotel hallway.
Nick and Leti were sealed in the Calgary, Alberta temple.
Lake Louise!
The color reminds me of the Blue Lagoon in Iceland.
Even with the haze it looks sooo beautiful!
Waiting their turn for a canoe.
The kids said this was their favorite part.
Visiting the Olympics sites.
Hey Mr. Fox!
Hey family!
Checking out a river.
Botanical gardens.
Chris turned 38 in Canada! He's the best dad, husband, dentist, brother, son, all the things, in the world!!
Nana invited me and the kids to go to a really fun cooking experience in downtown Denver!
We had a lot of freeze-dried candy and desserts.
It was a really cool and unique activity!
We ate lunch as a family at the new Cherry Cricket in Littleton. Super yummy food!
Afterwards we parked at Chris' office to walk to Main Street and paused to take flower pics along the way to Western Welcome Week.
It was HOT but fun.
Nana was there selling her books and signing autographs.
Cute Jane at Western Welcome Week.
Fox started 7th grade! I can't even believe I just typed that. He's now at Middle School.
Jane started 6th grade! Her last year at Elementary School! Where does the time go?!
Fox's friend Bradee helping himself to an after school snack of cereal. Mmmm. Cereal is always a good idea.
Fox and Bradee invited Jane to play basketball which was nice of them.
All the cool kids ride scooters to school so we got Fox one too ;)
And they're off!
I got a UTI before the 4th of July and it still wouldn't go away even after 2 rounds of antibiotics. We were on the way to Chris' summer work party but detoured to the ER instead because my abdomen was hurting so badly. Eventually I got an appointment with a urologist who diagnosed my bladder as inflamed and spasming so it was just a matter of more pills and a couple days later I was right as rain! Still dealing with headaches though, I'm trying to switch doctors.
Picking outfits for our family pics! I chose the dress on the left :)
And more pics of me throughout the month. I got a new hair stylist and like her!
We saw 3 movies in August: Haunted Mansion (totally buying it, I love Halloween movies! But why-oh-why was it released in August instead of October??), the original animated Beauty and the Beast (it was my favorite movie as a kid!) and Gran Turismo which was freaking AWESOME - 10 out of 10, 5 stars, 2 thumbs waaay up! Everyone HAS to see it! I can't stop thinking about it!
Fox & Jane at Haunted Mansion.
Me and Chris at the theater for Gran Turismo.
I stalked the dude the true-story movie was based on and found this pic on his instagram of his Gran Turismo set-up! So cool!
He (Jann Mardenborough) was a stuntman for his own stunts. Love it.
Onto the best part of every monthly highlights post: the cats!!
They have a love/hate relationship lol. Sometimes they're besties and sometimes they're frenemies.
We let Phoebe the bunny run around and the cats are always curious about her.
Sandy at the vet for a checkup, Sandy soup, Sandy cuteness, and naughty Sandy.
Amy always wants to be the most important.
Scrappy time!
I shared 7 personal projects in August - click the links to see them in-depth:
I only designed 1 free cut file in August for my Newsletter... I just need more hours in the day to do all I want to do and make all I want to make, who's with me? :)
I taught 3 virtual classes in August!
And then I taught a double-page spread for Um Dia de Cor e Amor! The in-person event was in Brazil and I taught through Zoom. Isn't technology amazing?!
I finished up my BeautiFALL Mini Album for the Glowforge Aura campaign the first couple days of August while Chris and the kids were in Canada and I was home with the UTI. I used my old Truly Grateful collection and loved how it looked all spread out over my table.
After the leaf album I got started on my class samples for the Frank Garcia Studio event in September! First I made a coptic book with Blooming Wild.
Then I made a 6x8 Album with Sugarplum Wishes!
Some of these pages will be in my upcoming 25 Christmas Foundation Pages Class - stay tuned!
Doesn't it look so pretty hehe?!? :)
Then I made a double-page spread and single 12x12 layout also with Blooming Wild. All 3 classes for the Frank Garcia Studio event are sold out so be sure to keep checking my Find Me Here page for all my upcoming in-person events!
I got dressed in my PaigePals shirt for a fun girls trip down to Simple Pleasures Rubber Stamps & Scrapbooking Store in Colorado Springs!
It was so much fun meeting up with friends in an actual scrapbook store - they do still exist!
Funny that this Memory Explosion Box sign is still up at my Michaels 3 years later. I spy Jane!
I shared my second sketch & accompanying challenge! Read all the details HERE.
Then I got started on my Halloween class!! Here's a sneak peek at one of the pages. It's a miniaturized version of the Bookshelf Layout!
The custom 4x4 sequin shaker albums made by Gi DeMello all the way in Brazil arrived!
We put together all the Halloween kits!
This kit and class has been a decade in the making and I am sooooo flippin' EEKCITED about it! Find all the details here on September 12th or email me to get on the early access list to grab a kit on September 5th!
I love scrapbooking so gosh dern much, even after all these years :)
August was fun-filled and fantastic! Hope September can compete!

1 comment

  1. What a top-notch creative month!! I'm always amazed and inspired Paige. Maybe because I don't follow other designers, but I can't imagine anyone in this biz that works harder than you! Your family photos are amazing and so sweet in that sunflower patch. Do you hire the same photographer every year? Sorry you weren't able to come with the family to Canada and happy to hear you finally feel better. They managed a lot while they were here. I'm glad they got some nice photos. We were just in the mountains a couple of weeks ago and it was totally smokey. It was disappointing, but we had a great visit with friends. Of course, I lingered with all the sweet kitty photos. 'Sandy soup', baha! It's true with ours too, from cuddling together to chasing each other and paw punches. Hehe, kitty-cats are emotional creatures. Amy is simply a little doll. Like, just so so pretty. I'm meeting a GF at the Cat Cafe in Edmonton next Tues. We made a packed, no one goes home with one, LOL. Off I go to use my Paige Evans goodies to make something cute too, hehe 💛K


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Paige Taylor Evans © // Quinn Creatives DESIGN